Titus Capranoir



6 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info

Age/Birthday: 63, July 20th

Pronouns: He/Him

Height: 7' 3"

Species: Satyr

Class: Barbarian

Weapon of Choice: family Warhammer

Dad: Rufus Capranoir

Mom: Vitu Capranoir

Friends: Pippa, umi, yogurt, lilith

Boyfriend: the future seeing elf

Likes: doing good deeds, heroly duties, friends, keeping others safe, fun wrestling, beautiful people

Dislikes: his intelligence being made fun of, the people he cares about being hurt, drinking, people pointing out his awkwardness, people looking down on his family

Job: adventurer, village leader




a large barbarian satyr who towers above others. he's a lovable goof with a lot of heart and a lot of muscles.

his mother, Vitu was a satyr woman born to a tribe of forest dwelling party going satyrs, she came from a family know for their talent with their flute playing skills. she met Titus's father, Rufus while on an outing to the villages that were rather far out from their forest home while traveling with a group of saytr merchants who go out to sell and trade goods for supplies. Rufus was hired as muscle to keep the small group safe, but with a spark of love came home with them. Rufus was a Ibixian and was not trusted by Vitu's tribe of small sheepish Saytr people but they were too afraid of him and did nothing to make him leave.

until years later they had their son, Titus. The Three living a good happy life together. That is until a monster attacked the village. Rufus, being the only fighter in the village jumped at the chance to protect the satyrs and his family. Downfall happened in the aftermath of the fight, for while he had defended the village he destroyed homes in the fight and put fear into the people with his brutish ways. Β He was banished instead of praised. Rufus was to return to the mountains where he was born, Vitu chose to follow her love but was forced to leave behind Titus, left in the hands of the village as he was too young to survive living on the mountains and they wished for his safe growth in the forest.

Titus grew up quite a lovable goofball, he loved to train himself in the way of the barbarian like he once saw his father do, even if the village frown on it. Truth be told they were scared of the young boy as he quickly grew bigger than the others around him and had the ibixian blood in him. Most of the village look down on him, saying he didn't deserve to have the pan flute passed down by his mother and her well respected family line as he had 'tainted blood' and no skills to play musical instruments. he was ridiculed by everyone in his village, as heart breaking as it was to the boy no one liked; he took to taking life at its best and face it with a smile. His outlet and best friend is Pippa, a wood elf a bit older than he who lived with a clan of wood elves nearby. she was an archer and believed in the way of fighting and survival and treated Titus well.

As Titus grew older he grew to be much like his father in image and personality. he was big hearted, loud and strong, even met a fate similar to his dad as the tribes feared outcast. Years of not being able to learn to play instruments, never enjoying parties like the other saytrs or drinking. During Parties he was more interested in visiting his friend or watching the night for monsters.Β 

so when the monster attacked and he chose to defend his village he was met with a village who didn't want him and now had an 'excuse' to make him leave, much like his fathers past punishment. They let him keep the pan flute that belong to his family, a strange metal box that had been kept by their leader (to them just a cheap trinket they kept around), and told him to find adventure out in the world and not to return.

Titus left home to become an adventurer joined by his new friend, Yogurt a sheep man who grew up out west and was considered a gunslinger.