


2 years, 1 month ago


• The Shaman • Ebony •

Name Ebony
Age adult
Gender Female
Species Shapeshifter

• About •

Back then, Ebony was one of the magical animals that decided to turn into humans. But Enony never intended to continue as a human, or to establish civilization. Ebony has always seemed to have a strong bond with other animals and with nature. And the decision to turn into a human being was made for the benefit of living beings. Because as a human, Ebony had many more opportunities to help the animals and nature. As a human, she was better able to create remedies or perform rituals.

Ebony spent a lot of time caring for the animals around her. But when the humans decided to attack the animals to conquer the land, they failed. There were too many injured animals too quickly, and Ebony could only watch powerlessly as the creatures she had cared for with all her heart died before her eyes...

Even Ebony could not escape the attack of the humans. She was badly injured at the time. And yet she took care of the well-being of others with her last strength until the bitter end. The goddess of the spirit world Zaepha saw the efforts of the she-wolf who became human to save others. The goddess chose not to deprive Ebony of her magic. The role of the wolf in the world was too important and she would be able to help many more animals with her knowledge.

After all these bad events, one day Ebony met Skadi. From the first moment Ebony was impressed by the she-wolf, who had built a pack. Skadi led the pack and was responsible for and cared for an entire forest, with all her fellow inhabitants, with all her plants. Ebony knew right away that Skadi was a great leader. Skadi incorporated the shaman Ebony into her pack. Not only that, Skadi learned healing magic from Ebony. As thanks, made Skadi the shaman the second leader of the wolf pack. To this day, Ebony and Skadi have a very close bond with each other, they can rely on each other, are there for each other and love and fight like sisters.

Ebony has a younger sister, her name is Ivory. The sisters were separated during the war. Much later, when Skadi's pack was wandering around with Ebony, they found Ebony's younger sister. Ivory was changed and no longer the same. The two siblings never found their way back to each other, although Ivory also remained in Skadi's pack, there is no future together for the siblings, only a lost past.

Today, Ebony tends to all the concerns and needs of the pack or the creatures of the forest. She has expanded her knowledge as a shaman. With her magic, she can perform rituals that sometimes look a bit questionable at first glance, but always achieve their goal. Enony is very spiritual and she is able to communicate with the spirits of the past. And yet Ebony sometimes fears the cost of speaking to the spirits, and the cost of the rituals in the long run....

"When the blood in your veins returns to the sea, and the earth in you bones returns to the ground, perhaps then you will remember that this land not belongs to you, it is you, who belongs to the land."

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