Danillo Colter



2 years, 1 month ago


Danillo is a downtrodden young man whose unfortunate choices in life led him to spending his early adulthood in prison. He is normally an empathetic, intelligent young person- but the burdens of his complicated past affected his ability to make rational decisions- causing him to run towards pleasure and away from pain. After prowling the streets of Halley's capital city for years as a member of an infamous band of thieves dubbed the „Three Musketeers“, he was finally caught after stealing the jewelry of a commissioner's wife and then failing to escape. As they tore the jeweled necklace out of his hands, he felt as if he was at his lowest. He recounted a long lost dream- that of becoming a doctor, back in those days when he had his status and money... until one day he crossed paths with a man who promised that he could make him into a fine practicioner- if only he agreed to obey him.