


6 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info

Age/Birthday: 27, July 1st

Pronouns: He/Him

Height: 5' 6"

Species: Lightning genasi

Class: Bard

Weapon of Choice: Music and LIGHTNING

Friend: Artemis

Likes: jamming out, loud music, saying bullshit that sounds wise, cool guitars, hair cuts and hair styles, collecting skulls, hanging out with Artemis

Dislikes: old people, dark magic, warlocks, soupy foods, mold, bad smells, people who use other people

Job: Tavern musician




Merlock at a young age was growing up during a war between the country he lived in and the one over. he was been taken by the attackers and sold away to a warlock known as Merlock. the warlock was a reclusive who lives alone and spent his time working on projects. the warlock like many other of his kind was a bad man who treated Merlock poorly, and Merlock as he got older and bigger began to defy the Warlock more and more even at the risk of the warlock punishing him. 

Due to Merlocks behavior the Dark Magic user finally came to finish his big project, a living doll who would follow his orders blindly when Merlock wouldnt (or when he was no longer around) the warlock used young merlocks body as a conductor for days on end to power his project leaving Merlock drained and hurt. 

Artemis was born and immediately the warlock took to abusing his power over his new creation. Merlock and Artemis spoke in whispers, things they'de never say in front of the warlock. When the warlock was asleep or away the two spoke secrets and grew close to one another. Artimes grew a sentiance and emotions, learning to dislikes his life and enjoy the lightning genasi company. Both were terribly unhappy with their life and planned to get out of this situation together.  so one particular night when the warlock was taking to treating them both extra terribly, especially Artemis turning to violence to his creature who was learning defiance. The young Lightning Genasi snapped at the sight of his only friend in danger, finally rising against his captor and causing a storm to rage in his blind fury. Lightning struck upon their home collapsing on top of the warlock, killing him. 

the elemental man who had ever right taken from him for years stole the warlocks name naming himself Merlock and leaving with Artemis. the two of them now pay to live above a tavern as Merlock plays music down at the bar during the nights, and Artemis takes underground shady jobs that pay well (usually from rugged costumers of the tavern)