Chaos & Discord



2 years, 1 month ago



"I put the sane in insanity, or do I?"

NAME Chaos & Discord
AGE Appears 30
HEIGHT 6'0" & 6'3"
SPECIES Primordial God
GENDER Female or Male

HAIR COLOR Black and Blonde Split
EYE COLOR Left Blue, Right Light Yellow
VOICE ??????
THEME ??????

WISDOM ◆◆◆◆◆
CHARISMA ◆◆◆◆◆◆◆



( + ) Adventurelusting; Quirky; Charismatic; Friendly; Intelligent

( — ) Vengeful; Prankster; Facetious; Indifferent; Displaced

( = ) Excitable; Protective; Honest; Chatty; Restless; Curious


Being a Primordial God of Chaos often leaves room for a lot of fun. You never have to take your work seriously and sometimes you can get away with things by labeling them with chaos-bound. Chaos and Discord are ones who doesn't take life seriously but values all the little moments that they can with the mortals they interact with. They don't take moments for granted because they know how fleeting mortal life can be. However, that being said, they feel like things should be grandoise in terms of enjoyment and being honest is the best thing you can do, no matter the results from the honesty. They are social beings who love to experience new things, because with their age, new experiences occur less and less often. For those who harm whom they have taken under their wings, they are cruel to an unreasonable point and will take their vengeance a little too far, but that often comes with provoking any God, especially one as tempermental as they are.


Born into a universe before time, space, and matter were fully established, this Primordial God is one of the few ancestors of the Gods that is not locked up within the depths of space, primiarly because it is hard to lock something that defies even the logic of the Gods up. Though they do get scolded from time to time, they tend to prevent stagnation whenever they manifest within one of the worlds of the universe, and don't seek out conflict with others, though are capable of doing so. Their descendents rule the universe and while they are asked to help out with certain things, they are kind of like a CEO, and are left to wander the universe so they break something that can't be fixed. Of the many planets they are able to go to Earth is one, but they tend to focus on planets that support creativity, have ancient ruins or mysteries, or have magic.



This God has slightly enlongated canines which have often been compared to fangs and has caused them to be mistaken for a vampire or other fanged creatures before. While this is generally how they look they are not used for drinking someone's blood (unless a lot of shit went down) or generally eating at all.


Both Manifestations of the Primordial God have the same Heterochromia, a blue left eye and a light yellow right eye. Some legends say that the reason why this Primordial has two colored eyes is because they can manifest in both a male and female form, though there is no proof of this.

Angelic & Demonic Wings

Chaos and Discord are evidence of natural controdictions and the wings on their head is proof of this. While there are not many species in the universe that do have wings on their heads, Gods are a clear exception. Often, you can tell the type of God by the wings that are present, and these ones are on the mark.


Both manifestations have exteremely long and somewhat curly hair that reaches to the back of their theighs. The hair is split into a black side with grey-brown low-lights and and off-white streak in their bang and the blonde side is highlighted with off-white and darker blonde highlights.

Face Markings

On the left side of the face, a black, cresent moon sits on the Primordial's cheek and on the left side, a yellow sun is on the opposite side. These markings were not voluntary obtained nor can be removed. Some people say that the marking corresponding to the time of day glows a barely visable aura when the Primordial goes outside.


Chaos and Discord are two seperate manifestations of the same Primordial. Chaos is a female Goddess who deals with planetary and universal chaos (large scale/big picture), and Discord is a male God who deal with social and societal discord (small scale/small details). While the Primordial as a unit is neither good or evil, they are necessary to prevent the stagnation of a universe or soceity. The two of them are able to appear, if wanted, in close proximity, though if they do not want to be in the same location, there will only be one manifestation.



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Tidbits. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sapien elit, ultrices ac risus sed, viverra volutpat velit. Nam consectetur lectus eget nisi ultrices, et viverra ex eleifend.


Traveling and Adventuring
Mysteries and Wonders
Rarities and Artifacts
Friends and Family
Pranks and Jokes
Magic and Fantasy




Name: ----

Relationship: ----

Age: --

Gender: ----

Species: ----

Quote: "----"

General Text About Relationship

Name: ----

Relationship: ----

Age: --

Gender: ----

Species: ----

Quote: "----"

General Text About Relationship

Tidbits. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sapien elit, ultrices ac risus sed, viverra volutpat velit. Nam consectetur lectus eget nisi ultrices, et viverra ex eleifend.

Name: ----

Relationship: ----

Age: --

Gender: ----

Species: ----

Quote: "----"

General Text About Relationship

Tidbits. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sapien elit, ultrices ac risus sed, viverra volutpat velit. Nam consectetur lectus eget nisi ultrices, et viverra ex eleifend.