Speck and Kiwi



6 years, 6 months ago


Name: Speck

Nicknames: Gentle giant, Speckle, Doofus

Species: Dragon

Age: 10 (full grown but still kid like)

Bio: Speck has a very close bond with his "mom" Kiwi and protects her at all costs. Since she has trouble keeping up with him, he often allows her to hop on his head or back so they can be together. He is very curious and gentle, very friendly too. However if you try to hurt his mom, he will get very angry and aggressive. He isn't very intelligent and mostly communicates through grunts and growls though he does know and is able to say his name and use simple sentences. He feeds on fruit and leaves, often picking fruit from high trees and then setting them down in front of kiwi so she can eat. He and kiwi are perfectly able to communicate with eachother.


Name: Kiwi

Nicknames; mom bird

Species: kiwi bird

Age: Adult

Bio: Kiwi found speck's egg when moving through the under growth. Having a strong mother instinct, she sat on the egg for about a week, only getting of for a few minutes once in a while to eat. In the end the egg hatched, baby speck coming out of it. She raised him as her own chick, feeding him, guarding him and playing with him. Now that he is big, she has trouble keeping up with him on the ground so speck tends to pick her up. Kiwi is very attached to spike and though she is much smaller than him, she does her best to protect him. Kiwi is mute, she can only make kiwi bird noises.