Hye Fiorentini



2 years, 1 month ago


Hye is a rumbunctious human, 15 years of age, gender non-disclosed. Sexuality you ask? Doesn't matter, it's a kid! (but gay, very gay)

Appearance: They usually wear sporty clothes. Agility, being comfortable while able to move around easily is most important, not the look itself, in their opinion. The only thing they wear for style is the bandage on their nose. The other ones scattered around their limbs… yeah those are covering actual wounds, caused by being a bit too reckless at times. Hair is messy and they like it that way. Hye thinks of shaving as a social construct and thus sports a sprouting mustache and hairy legs. Those legs end up in big boots, good for powerful shin kicks and stomping around with purpose.

Personality: Being a neglected rich kid, Hye instantly latches onto Habit seeing him as the father figure they've missed having in their lives. They crave love and acceptance, both things they've never really gotten. They're always in for pranks and adventures. Hye is hyperactive, restless, endlessly curious and most importantly: Always ready to commit to the bit.

Talents and special abilities: Still a beginner in magic but knows some tricks here and there. Good at parkour. Somehow able to make someone love them whilst simultaneously annoying the ever living shit out of them.

Hobbies: Going outside and creating havoc. Playing pranks on unsuspecting persons (Habit becomes their favorite target due to his reactions to them). Listening to music just a bit too loudly. Researching things they’ll probably never use again. 

Friends/family/alliances: Habit is their partner in crime, doubling as unofficial but chosen father. Hye doesn’t have a lot of friends really but the friendly old lady who owns the metaphysical shop is considered one.