


2 years, 1 month ago








16 (9 months older then Wool)


Brown rabbit




"My name is Muffin for the last time!! >:/"

Muffins is the forgotten sibling in Wool’s family. He over works himself to get love and attention but it never works. His best friend is Chunks who brightens his day and helps him with work. Muffins get cold easily and tired. He enjoys fixing cars.


He's a brown rabbit with a brown spot on his back. A yellowish cream colored fur is on his stomach ,under his mouth, paw pads, and inside his ears. He has a blue tongue and a white cotton tail. He has eye bags.


A dull yellow dirty bandana with a silver bell. His little outfit is a dirty blue button shirt.


Muffins is a pretty misunderstood rabbit since he can be very aggressive and defensive over his friend. Yet he's very sad and exhausted. He overworks himself for stuff he never gets as it frustrates him he still does it all the time just to hope one chance he finally gets the love and affection that his siblings got. He loves when he gets affection it shows his true colors, a happy bunny that won’t ever leave your side and will protect you as best as it can.

  • Muffins
  • Chunks (his best friend)
  • Attention
  • Cars
  • Boxes
  • Baskets
  • Sleep
  • Feeling like he’s unnoticed
  • Worrying about chunks
  • Getting sick
A Bunny was Born

When Muffin was born it was his family’s pride and joy. Muffin was showered with so much attention and affectation. His favorite siblings were his brother’s Berry and Buttons. He would dress like Berry sometimes and try to copy his older brother and he was given a white rabbit plushie from Buttons. Muffin loved when he got to pick the dinners and when he went to bed since he got to hear the lullabies his mother made up. It made him so happy when her or his dad was with Muffin. He would follow them everywhere like a lost puppy. One day Muffin found a bandana and wore it. He loved it as he had it all day and night. He loved playing carrot tag with his family. He was faster than his family so most of the time he would win.

A Nightmare was Born

Months later as Muffin was playing with his toys he hears Berry talking about what kinda presents he should get for the new baby. Muffin was confused about what he ment. He went up to Buttons since he wasn’t doing anything and was aware that a new baby was coming soon and Muffin was shocked. He started to have an upset feeling like the others will forget about him if this new baby was born and asked Buttons if the others will forget about him as to his releaf Buttons said they wouldn’t and said don’t sweat it. All that day Muffins was worried until his mom came back. He hopped to his mom happily until he saw her holding a white bunny with black spots. Muffins tilted his head and the bunny looked at him and waved looking happy as Muffin waves back. His mother puts this new bunny in Muffin's room and Muffin hops around the new guy confused as the bunny just looks at him. Muffin sighs knowing this had to be the baby everyone is talking about and days later when Muffin was playing carrot tag he wasn’t tagged or even it, he wasn’t aloud to pick the dinner, didn’t get anymore things from Buttons, no goodnight lullabies, no attention. He felt like he was treated as a ghost as he just watched everyone having fun and relaxing as mad and jealous more and more. When going to the new bunny the bunny apologizes saying “sorry Cupcake I don’t know why you're so upset.” As Muffins cry, yelling that the bunny definitely knows what he did and that his name was Muffin. The guy apologized again, confused because he’s never fully met Muffin so he tried to calm the mad bunnies' anger saying “we got off on the wrong foot, my name is Wilbur nice to meet you Muffin.” Muffin doesn’t respond and tackles Wilber upset. Wilber starts to cry as one of Muffin’s sisters grabs Muffin by his bandana and kicks Muffin outside thinking it was a hostile stranger. Muffin stayed outside all day. At night he is miserable as he looks through the window seeing his family having a nice dinner. He saw that Wilbur was getting so much love making Muffin cry. Muffin hopped to Button’s crops looking back and sighs knowing he would be in huge trouble if he ate some but he was starving from not eating all day so he started to scarf so many vegetables. He looked around for something to hug because he needed some kinda comfort as he had nothing. He kept looking until he became too tired. He hid under the porch and slept there all night. The next day he went back and no one cared that he was back. He was treated like a ghost again. He heard Buttons getting upset as all his siblings and checked if they ate any but didn’t check him; He refused to talk to Wilbur but had the same room as him. One day at 11 pm, the family was asleep. Muffin grabs a pillow and takes the case off, then hopping to the kitchen he grabbed some crops and bottles of water. He then grabs the bunny Buttons gave him and puts all of it in the bag remembering the great times he had before Wilbur. Muffins opens his window and hops out of it and starts his journey.

Bunmping into a New Friend

On his journey of running away he felt terrible and kept looking back thinking of everything good that had happened but remembering that he’d be a ghost if he went back. Well looking back he bumps into a taller chubby rabbit. “HEY GET OUT OF MY WAY DON'T YOU SEE I HAVE PLACES TO GO!!” Muffin was pissed off from not having anything good and realized who he was talking to and took a couple steps back as the rabbit hops closer. He tells Muffin to calm down and says sorry for getting in his way. He didn't mean to do that, he was just looking around the forest. He told Muffin where he was going so the rabbit could guide him thinking Muffin lived in the Beach Town. Muffins told the rabbit he didn’t need his help growling undering his voice. The rabbit saw Muffin looked miserable so he told Muffin if he’d like to go with him since he felt like the poor bunny needed to feel better. Muffins said fine as the two went to a nice place that had fresh fruits and vegetables. Muffins tried a carrot and it tasted like heaven. The rabbit told Muffin to take whatever everything will be put on his bill. Muffin was so happy and put some of the food in his bag. The rabbit sees Muffin’s bag and asks why there were rabbit ears in Muffin's bag not noticing it was a plushie. Muffin giggles saying that’s not a rabbit revealing that it was a plush. After eating Muffin follows the rabbit well asking what the rabbit’s name was. He said his name was Chuck. Well, Muffin told him his name and asked if he could call him Chunk. Chunk laughed as he said sure he didn’t mind. He follows Chunk to a restaurant and sees him starting on a couch. Muffin hops on a couch and falls asleep happier that he has been. Later that night, he got up in the middle from a nightmare hopping to Chunk. He shakes Chunk gently crying and Chunk gets up and picks Muffin up “shh It’s okay Muffin don’t be scared if anything hurts you I’ll protect you,” he puts Muffin back to bed and sings him a lullaby it was a song he learned from a coffee worker and Muffin went back to sleeping. The next day the two woke up before the restaurant opened. Chunk gives Muffin a piggyback ride and the two go to a redwood tree. Chunk gets some breakfast for the two as Muffin was half asleep and wanted to help but resulting in Muffins cutting his arm. Chunk sees the bunny cry and gets some cloth and a bandage. He started to wipe the blood with the cloth jokingly saying Muffin not to worry doctor Chunks is here to save the day as he puts the bandage on Muffin. He gets the rest of the food and gives Muffin most of it. Muffin thanks him and after breakfast the two played games like catch with a coconut, hide and seek, racing, and some much more. Muffins tried to teach Chunk how to play carrot tag as Chunk was happy to play even if the rounds were so quick. The two had a blast all day. At night Chunk asked if his family is worried because Chunk was worried that Muffin hasn’t been with his family at all and has been with Chunk for two days now. Muffin started to tear up and hugged his knees saying “probably not, they don’t like me anymore.” Chunk took a step back disturbed , thinking that Muffin is too nice for someone to not like and said “are you sure? I mean you're such a nice kid your mother is maybe worried sick…” Muffins started to get frustrated and said louder that they don’t care for him at all, not a single bit. Chunk’s ears went down and the two stayed in awkward silence the whole night. The next day Muffin woke up early and got a ton of food and came back to where his sleepy friend gently shook Chunk. Chunk refuses to wake up, nervous that Muffin was still mad even though Muffin felt like Chunk was mad at him. He shook the Chunk again no use. He sighs “listen Chunk how I acted was unc-“ interrupted Chunk said it was his fault for continuing questioning even though Muffin was getting upset. Muffin didn’t know how to respond and left the food right next to his pal as Muffin leaves and finds a job as a mechanic. He would start fixing a ton of cars for 14 dollars an hour. During the night Muffin thinks about Chunk as he hugged his plush. He could tell Chunk viewed him as siblings. Muffin sighs and looks around looking for Chunk getting upset by every step he was hoping Chunk was okay wherever he was. Muffin went deep in the forest finding a gang of foxes running from a crime they committed and one of them spotted Muffin and ran at him as Chunk tackles the fox and bites the foxes neck and uses his claws and cuts the fox’s back. The fox passes saving Muffin. Chunk told Muffin that he did promise that if anything tried to hurt him Chunk would protect him. He gets up as blood drips from his mouth and claws and hugs Muffin. Chunk thanks Muffins for the food early and didn’t want Muffins going out on his own as Muffin learned his lesson after the fox attack that could have gotten him killed. Chunk takes Muffin to a lake and the two wash the blood off since the hug got Muffin covered in it. Muffin was back to being happy that his ears perked up. After getting rid of the blood and dirt , they sleep in the shed. The two go to bed in the shed and Muffin helps Chunk get a job at Mechanic.

Years later

Every time they got their checks Muffin would go home and give his mom the money to notice him but it never worked. Muffin would never sleep trying to do stuff to be noticed but it never worked. Chunk told Muffin to quit it. It's not healthy to be acting like this. One day both him and Chunk went to the house and everyone was welcoming Chunk not even caring that Muffin was their Muffin got upset. Chunk sees that Muffin was sad and said to his family why they don’t greet their brother as well and they said who. Muffin felt a pain in his heart. Chunk was appalled as he put his foot down and said that it was their brother and that they knew who it was but they all didn’t and said that Chunk is crazy. Muffin got scared because of how frustrated Chunk was and how mad his siblings were getting. Muffin gets picked up and taken away as Chunk takes Muffin to an area full of carrots and keeps apologizing since he never wants Muffin to see him act like that as Muffins told him it’s okay. For the rest of his days Muffin would try even though Chunk tries to stop him from giving away all his money. Muffin’s body starts to sorta ache from not sleeping and Muffin passes out at random times.


Muffin gets worse and worse. Luckily his best friend tries to help him out by taking care of Muffin like an older brother. He wishes one day his family will give him the love and affection he once had as he aches everyday. During his days he met the Shell Clan with Chunk and the commander tried to help Muffin to get recognized since his family thinks the commander of the Shell Clan (Otterton) is their uncle but no luck. Sometimes when he’s at the Beach Town Chunk and him are alway harassed by a cat clock because the cat clock thinks it’s funny but Chunk beats the cat when he comes.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi lobortis ante vitae placerat molestie. Quisque condimentum sit amet dolor non pharetra.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi lobortis ante vitae placerat molestie. Quisque condimentum sit amet dolor non pharetra.

  • Nicknames: Sleepy head (called by Chunks).
  • Hobbies: doing his job, hanging out with chunks, trying to be noticed by love ones, learning how to cook from Chunks.

code by icecreampizzer