
2 years, 12 days ago


Full name: Rachel

Nicknames: Ms.Moon

Age: Hellborn (?)

Species: Imp (?)

Family: Mira and Octavia,

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Gender protonation's: she/her

Personality: Mostly nice but has fits.

Abilities: Minor Future Telling

Romantic interests: So Far from her knowage/fits she had a marrage.

Likes: Her Friends

Dislikes: Stella

A soul, lost and unbound, floated through the realm, somehow more tangible than most of it's counterparts, and soon it was gathered up by a curious imp. Instead of passing like normal, the soul became bound to the imp and fused into one, hybrid entity that sported features from angling fish and also their impish roots. Soon, she had decided her name; Rachel.
Knowledge was her joy, and one day while exploring the local library, Rachel found herself having a curious and quite friendly conversation with a girl who quickly became her newest friend. Octavia offered Rachel a place to stay, and she agreed, bringing her into the household but ultimately having to attempt to hide her from the rest of the family. Unfortunately, this attempt was short lived, and though her father was amicable enough, even giving Rachel a crystalline moon to channel her abilities through, Octavia's mother was much less forgiving. She wounded Rachel gravely, leaving a nasty scar and forcing her to be much more secretive about her movements and to retreat to her "room" when threatened. Rachel pushes herself every day to gather more and more knowledge and is a guiding light in resources and magical lore, she can frequently be found at libraries in human disguise, researching all she can and offering her help to most imps in need.