


2 years, 2 months ago
Trade Listing
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pink winter
utah raptor • she/her • straight
pink winter was born in a small family with 5 other siblings. her child hood is a distant memory to her seemingly so long ago when she was not even 2 years of age her family mysteriously vanished. She was very young and scared but managed on her the years went by she grew strong and independent hunting and fending for herself. Most other dinosaurs didnt like her thinking she was to mean,rude and too stern. she takes everything seriously and doesnt like being picked on. She is never afraid to defend herself and will rost you. even tho she doesnt have a lot of friends who really understand her she did have one his name is benji. the two carnivores are very close had been being friends for a long time when ever she is with him he makes her laugh and she loosens up to him showing a soft side,being caring for him and protective. during the days when they are doing nothing they would often swim and play in the water splashing one another and messing around or sunbathing. in the winter they would huddle close to be warm and often prank people and run through the forest hunting together. anywhere she goes hes never to far away. ..
• tunning through the snow on a lovely winter night
• star gazing
• swimming
• sun bathing
• hunting
• most people
• fish
• hot summer days
• mocking birds
• being in pitch black