


2 years, 10 days ago



Horrible catgirl, enemy of the state.

Her canonical full name is "Sloane XxGamerGod97." That was her Xbox gamertag at the time. She chose it to be her name when she was 12 because she needed a full name to go on school field trips but no one would adopt her, and her parents hadn't bothered to fill out any paperwork when they left her. She could change this, but she keeps forgetting to.

She is 6' 3" (6'8" if you count the ears/hair.) She has killed and will kill again.

She’s got lots of tattoos I just haven't designed them all yet

She’s got a room temperature IQ tbh but she does her best

She is a mercenary/bodyguard/very unsubtle assassin and mostly she does those things because she thinks its fun.

she looks the way that she does and has 4 ears because she is a freak of genetic engineering. the cat ears are entirely aesthetic and were put there as basically a fashion trend

It would’ve cost an ungodly amount of money to engineer her to be the way she is but for some reason whatever parents she once had put all this money into making a horrible catgirl and then abandoned her as an infant