Varpei Dosmit



2 years, 1 month ago


"... but Varpe my boy, you should absolutely pursue a job in tourism, that's where the money's at. Besides, you always say you wanted to travel away from here right? Northern Arabey is the place where they will greatly appreciate your skill and talents! A great talker and organizer such as you will certainly be a hit up there, those mutes could definitely use a speaker such as you!... And you'd be able to set us for some great holidays up there hehe..."... Yes, that's all one lovely idea. Love it. All of it. Especially how it's going so far. Thank fuck for the medical insurance these people have cause I would've been dead by now, and not from the oh so harsh northern conditions, ooh no, that would be mercy. 

Poor little man of the south. Varpei (just Varpe is good) came to seek work up in Northern Arabey. His mother was right about one thing though, his talents are very much appreciated there. He came up to seek better training and education, and to subsequently get a good job, away from his southern peers, only to end up a tour guide for the same bunch(this prompted him to be full racist towards his own people). His misery however does not end here. When he first moved in, he lived with his grandmother where he busted his ass both studying and doing various projects, presentations, and on site work. Fast forward a few years later, Varpe got an offer to work as an extension of a special police/military force, the Stigmata, on the basis of his hard work and skills displayed. He was called to work as a general organizer... which turned to dispatcher... which turned to front desk sometimes... which turned to tour guide yet again (Stigmata do a lot of stuff)... which turned to papers guy... and probably something else he would rather not remember. He seems to be able to organize himself to do basically anything, if told early enough. To his demise, he almost never is and yet he somehow manages to get shit done. This all comes at the cost of running on coffee, antidepressants, various other medication, and going grey in his thirties (at least he's not balding yet?).  He quickly became the beloved parent figure of his station, plus the officers find him cute with how small he is (despite him not even being that short, just surrounded by giant meat walls). They would take care of him even if they weren't legally obliged to watch out that he doesn't try killing himself somehow.

his true passion? Bonsai...


Love life :D!!

( italicised text written by Spoonchomper) Varpe's beloved colleagues claim that he's always so crabby and tired because 'he gets no bitches on his dick'. To help his condition, they stole his phone and made him a goofy profile on some dating app. Once he got his phone back and saw the monstrous profile, he was so pissed at how poorly they made it that he just had to make it right and promptly forgot about it. Some two weeks later, he got a ping that let him know he's got a match, and he began exchanging messages with Amba. Neither of them expected the match to happen, but it did and Amba chose to make the best of it. Upon meeting Varpe for the first time, she couldn't help but notice how much his soul was aching from years of overworking and lack of appreciation.
Deciding to take it into her own hands, she took him on a date that consisted of hugging trees in a local botanical garden and feeding stray false syllks.

Varpe greatly enjoys Amba's calming presence and infinite understanding, while Amba loves hearing about the corporate and ever-busy life of a Stigmata office worker, a life which is so alien to her own.

After failed relationships from university, Varpe just decided that love isn't really for him since there would always be an issue of "you work too much and never have the time for me." He would try his best but man found his studies important okay? He always thought his peers have a concerning lack of future perspective. So he decided that he's better off on his own, kinda forgetting about dating as a concept overall. Until the whole thing with Amba happened... She is not a solution to all his work problems, but she sure as hell makes them easier to handle mentally, who would've known. He's finally found someone who understands that just because he is so dedicated to his job doesn't mean that he's neglecting everything and everyone else because he doesn't care. She helped him find a part of himself which he doesn't see as so stern and  serious. 

Other tidbits:

  • He's a quiz lover and whenever he's free he to, he attends the local pub quiz. His strongest suites are history, culture, politics and geography, but fairs well in other fields. His weakest are biology (got rusty over the years) and harder sports questions. Paired with 47, they become obnoxiously unbeatable. 
  • Amba thought one day he'd enjoy something like model making and painting, so she decided to get him a warship model for some occasion. Turns out she was spot on, and now they sometimes spend their time together crafting and painting the miniature vehicles. Amba likes arts and craft stuff, and Varpe just enjoys focusing his eyes and hands on precision work. He more often than not knows quite a bit about whatever they're making, so Amba gets a free super specific history lesson about it.
  • He's secretly a Corpse Sister (in universe emo band) fan. Only 47 somehow knows about this, but is thankfully nice enough not to spread it around to everyone. Just sometimes threatens to do so.