Amba Summerton



11 months, 4 days ago


"My mama is Arabelean, and daddy is a real brave Cerulean", Amba usually remarks about her heritage. Her original name is Melisse, but her parents allowed her to change her name to something that fits her soul better once she turned 15. She chose Amba because it's a part of the name of her favorite sweet snack.
While her Arabelean features aren't developed as much as they are in a "pure" Arabelean, she is often mistaken for a pure Arabelean, as her colorful clothing and chill personality becomes the main focus of any onlooker.

Amba is very mellow and always brings the atmosphere of any room she enters down to more relaxed vibes. She is a sweet woman and loves helping people around her in her own way. Despite her 'hippie' upbringing, she doesn't really believe in the healing power of crystals or Hezonite mysticism, but does firmly believe that ghalla must maintain their soul and aura in order to be healthy and happy. She enjoys spending her time reading, in meditation, or feeding stray false syllks in her neighborhood. She doesn't "seek out" people in order to fix them, but she is deeply empathetic and the role of a crying shoulder comes to her naturally.

Meeting Varpe
Varpe's beloved colleagues claim that he's always so crabby and tired because 'he gets no bitches on his dick'. To help his condition, they stole his phone and made him a goofy profile on some dating app. Once he got his phone back and saw the monstrous profile, he was so pissed at how poorly they made it that he just had to make it right and promptly forgot about it. Some two weeks later, he got a ping that let him know he's got a match, and he began exchanging messages with Amba. Neither of them expected the match to happen, but it did and Amba chose to make the best of it. Upon meeting Varpe for the first time, she couldn't help but notice how much his soul was aching from years of overworking and lack of appreciation.
Deciding to take it into her own hands, she took him on a date that consisted of hugging trees in a local botanical garden and feeding stray false syllks.

Varpe greatly enjoys Amba's calming presence and infinite understanding, while Amba loves hearing about the corporate and ever-busy life of a Stigmata office worker, a life which is so alien to her own.