Eveningstar ⭐️



2 years, 1 month ago



Name- Eveningstar

Past Name/Future Name- Eveningkit, Eveningpaw, Eveningcall

Reason for name- Evening- her black is as dark as night, Star- her ranks as leader

Age- 41 moons

Sexuality- Straight

Gender- Female

Pronouns- she/her

Personality- Eveningstar is known as a calm and educated Molly. She knows what to do most of the time and knows when to act. There are times when she gets moody and irritated, but those rarely happen unless it’s something tragic.

Background- Eveningstar was born in WaterfallClan along side her sister. She had a happy life, until her mother past. After the fact her father moved one quickly and left the two on there own. After much training Eveningstar became a brave warrrior and soon leader after the death of Cardinalstar. No one knows how she was able to stop the Great Battle, but some will never know.


Rank- Leader

Mentor- Silverthistle 

Apprentice- Cherryspark, Crimsonhawk


Kin- Moonripple (mother, deceased) Spidergaze (father, deceased) Stellardance (sister) Guppytail ( step mom) Troutfang (step brother) Angelwhisp (step sister,) Hartstalk (son in law,) Stagkit, Cinderkit, and Pansykit (grandkits)

Mate- Bearspirit

Eye Catcher- “I would never cheat!”

Kits- Hollyfeather (daughter, deceased) Ashkit (son, deceased), Nightpaw and Inkpaw (sons), Jasperpaw (daughter) 

Extra Info- Eveningstars eyes sometimes turn red when she is really mad. 

- Eveningstars stomach scars prevent her go having kits, though healed over time, medicine cats have decided against it