


6 years, 6 months ago


Full Name: Eugene Goodwin

Age: 25

Birth: December 10th

Occupation: The Diamond's Hitman

Hobbies: Cooking, Pool, Hustling people in Pool

Likes: Eating glass and other things that should not be eaten, fun nights out on the town

Dislikes: People staring at him, eating when people are around, his face underneath his mask

Strengths: He's pretty good at freaking people out, he's also good at his job as a hitman, and he's an excellent liar

Weaknesses: If he doesn't have something covering his face when he's around other people, he gets panicked and can't continue doing what he was doing without finding something to cover his face with.

Character Background: Eugene was born with a genetic mutation that gave him a face that was much different than that of his parents, and vastly different than the other kids. Because of this, Eugene was a regular target of bullying for most of his childhood. He took a lot of the words people threw at them to heart, to the point where he couldn't stand his own reflection. His parents, concerned about him, bought him his first mask at age 7. Eugene found great comfort in hiding behind his masks. He liked the fact that nobody would be able to make fun of him because of his face anymore. Even after he had grown up and started living in a place where faces like his were considered normal, he found himself dependent on his masks. He ended up wearing them everywhere he went.

Wants: He pretty much has everything he wants, he's not much of a fantasizer, but he does kind of wish that he had a friend, even if he thinks he's undeserving of one.

Problems: He has very low self esteem, although he's very good at hiding that fact. He also can't open up to people at all. He's constantly afraid of mockery, so he chooses to scare people enough so they're too afraid to mock him