


2 years, 1 month ago


Lichenpaw - He/him - Asshole

Lichenpaw is, as often described by others, a brat. He's apathetic towards training yet wants to be a warrior as soon as possible- not for any noble means, mind you, simply to be done with being bossed around by his mentor and to no longer have to attend to apprentice duties. He's incredibly stubborn and disrespectful, often asking far too many questions to the point of annoyance and, once he realises he's being annoying, does his best to push until the other cat snaps. That being said, he obviously hates being punished, though none of the punishments he's been given (mostly tending to elders or fetching supplies) have held enough worth to him to change- and most of the time he runs off into the territory to explore instead of attending to his assigned duties. ...He's bound to change eventually... right?

He was 'disowned' by his mentor a few moons into training because of his attitude, and he remained mentorless for a few weeks before he pestered his mentor enough to get a second chance. He's- kinda terrified of his mentor now, because of how he lashed out when Lichenpaw messed up. 

Eventually, Lichenpaw gave in to his anxieties and ran away, feeling unwanted amongst the clan and bitter that he was allowed to be treated so harshly... this bitterness may fester into something darker.