Star Catcher



2 years, 1 month ago



Star Catcher | 抱负 | Bàofù

The Dragon Deity of the Starry Sky

Star Catcher collects dying stars crushes them into stardust, birthing new stars or galaxies. It is foretold that the stars signify each human's dream, passion, ambition, or wish, that's why they're called wishing stars. Once a mortal loses sight of what they once held with such importance and fiery will- the stars will fade and die- forever forgetting the one reason why they kept on living.

With the stars' longivity in Star Catcher's hands; he makes sure to catch them before it permanently fades to darkness. Thus, dissolving it into stardust. Each stardust represents a small glimmer of hope that can shine very bright again in the near future. The dimmest of stardust is consumed by Star Catcher, making him stronger while also giving the other stars more room to glow.

Bàofù is their real name which means aspiration. He never associates with any other entity, only hearing the whispers of stars in the deep sky. Sometimes when you look at the night sky, you see stripes of clouds being reflected by the moonlight. Some say it is Bàofù, twirling around the moon when there are no stars to collect.

Though aggressive in appearance, he is responsible in personality. Taking each star with such great importance and care. He is fierce when needed to be, fighting off demons and miasma that may affect the stars' twinkle. All the bad aura is absorbed by his mask, serving as a talisman to bind the evil and dissipating it without spreading to Bàofù.

design + art by FILI