


2 years, 1 month ago


Basic Information:

Name: Lykios
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 23 years
Species: Wind
Variant: Swiftwing
Orientation: Homosexual

Pack Information:

Pack: Rozano's Pack
Rank: Scout


Lykios is quite a loud wolf. She tends to voice her opinions and thoughts out loud so that she can be heard by the others. She doesn't hesitate in speaking something that might offend others around her, but only because she believes that she should speak up rather than keep it to herself. She can get easily frustrated during situations, such as hunts taking too long, wolves not kissing already despite being in love, and the fact that she flirts so much yet she's still single. She's a massive flirt, probably better than Rozano if the two were to ever get into a competition. She also gets jealous towards others that have mates, especially when it comes to her closest friends Akane and Iniko. One thing's for sure though, and that is her fighting capabilities. She's excellent both in the air and on the ground when it comes to combat, as she's learned many techniques from traveling across all of Delv Ihoo. She's always been a traveler at heart and never enjoyed staying in once place for too long, hence why hardly anyone sees her in Rozano's pack. One day though, she wishes to travel outside of the island of Delv Ihoo and see what the rest of the world has to offer. 


Lykios has all of the moves and abilities of her species.


Not much is known about Lykios' history. All that is known is that she left her parents at a very young age in order to start her exploration of Delv Ihoo. She even talks about how she visited Mount Nakraa, though many believe that she is lying.


Unknown parents.

Iniko - Best Friend
Akane - Close Friend

Terra - Mate
Neri - Mate


  • Although she is technically a part of Rozano's pack, she spends most of her time in Del's pack.
  • She absolutely despised Rozano's flirting attempts on her, so she thanks Akane for stealing his heart.
  • She wishes that Chiaki and Newt would just kiss and get it over with already.
  • She hopes to one day leave Delv Ihoo and find a two-leg. She's heard stories about them, but she wants to see the truth on what they were really like.
