


2 years, 1 month ago


Name: Kiran
Pokémon: Dunsparce
Age: 8
Gender: Male
Height: 4'1"
Weight: 63 lb

Design Approval

Personality: +inventive, +calm, +easygoing, -lazy, -selfish, -spoiled
Kiran is a pretty relaxed fella. He does like adventuring, but at a slow pace, discovering a new place and then finding a nice vantage point to observe all that goes on there. He doesn't consider himself lazy, but simply doesn't like using any 'unnecessary energy' doing things when he can think of ways to do them easier. 
Likes: • Lounging in the shade  • Naps  • Snacks
Dislikes: • Hugs  • Sports  • Small Talk

He's been a part of Big Mama's 'pack' as long as he can remember. He got along well with the other children, though wasn't always keen to play any of their active games or activities, prefering mental games or stories. He tended to make himself scarce whenever they would 'Pokémon Battle' which is what they called pretty much any kind of competition game. Even so, he was generally well-liked. He never gave a thought to the 'Survivors' that seemed to roam the island, which Big Mama would warn them against interacting with.
When Team Fang appeared and captured Big Mama, Kiran hid, something he felt immensly ashamed about. He joined a few of the older kids to look for help, leaving the younger ones safe in a cave they often all stayed in. He and the others eventually found the large hole Team Fang had dumped the Survivors in. After helping them out, and all joining forces to rescue Big Mama and the Survivors' stolen fusions, Kiran found he still felt too guilty over allowing his surrogate mother to get taken that he chose not to return to her care, instead sticking close to one of the Survivors he had helped, Euphrasie. She made him think of an older sister, plus she took care of a growing orchard of fruit trees, which made for great lounging and food... Euphrasie doesn't seem to mind, but she's always trying to get him to help 'work.'
