


2 years, 11 days ago



Name Kabuwa
Age Adult
Orientation Homosexual
Gender Male
Race South African Lion
Height 4'5"
Weight 180kgs


  • Sun baths
  • Cubs
  • Digging
  • Food, he eats a lot


  • Water
  • The cold
  • Fighting
  • Vultures


Kabuwa is a friendly but reserved rogue, he likes to stay away from any trouble but will fight face to face if he needs to, his scars are proof of that.

He is very sassy and sarcastic, sometimes it can come across as arrogant, but that’s usually not what he means.
He meets Ushiva (the shy one from the Silent Slayers brothers coalition) when he is patrolling his lands and was eventually chased out, however, Kabuwa was hurt and having a hard time hunting, his only chance would be leftovers and the Silent Slayers pride always had plenty, so he ended up coming back and started to study their routines for his own benefit, he wasn’t however excpeting to find Ushiva more and more interesting each passing day.
Eventually Ushiva notices his presence one day, but Kabuwa was already too skinny, besides, he is not as big as the brothers, Ushiva didn’t feel threatened and left him there to die, not telling his brother a thing about him.

Ushiva visited the place the day after to see if the rogue was gone, but Kabuwa was still alive, Ushiva was nothing like his brother, he had some empathy and hunger was no stranger to him, he knew the struggle, the pain…so he followed his heart instead of his brother for the first time in a long time and shared some of his food with him.
Ushiva visited the place every single day after that, feeding Kabuwa until he was finally able to stand up and walk, they’d exchange a few words whenever Kabuwa was feeling better and with that a nice friendship started to grow, turning into something more later on. A forbidden love.

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