Aura Aurai



2 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info

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Aura Aurai

Aura Aurai

Stormy Demigoddess

Real Name Aura Aurai
Alias None
Species Demigoddess
Gender Female
Pronouns She/Her
Age 1,200
Orientation Bisexual
Height 5'9"
Weight 145 lb
Eye Blue, Yellow
Hair Deep Blue


  • Power
  • 2nd triad, 3 sector

The quote.

— Aura's introductory quote.


Content Warnings:


Aura Aurai is a demigoddess that controls clouds and storm related weather.

Contents [hide]

1. Personality

2. Design

2.1. Physical Appearance

2.2. Outfit

2.3. Design Notes

3. Story

4. Abilities

4.1. Overall Abilities

4.2. Unique Abilities

5. Ribbons

6. Trivia


Aura is a demigoddess with a laidback personality. She is pretty carefree. However when she gets pretty upset the weather around her changes too.


  • Her cat
  • Relaxing


  • Doing Things


Physical Appearance

Aura is a tall and slender woman with a modest frame and dark skin. Her waist-length, dark blue hair is parted the center. Her hair is loosely krimped and lightend at the ends. Aura's head is always surrounded by a pair of tiny, wispy clouds. Aura is renowned for her blue and yellow eyes, each of which has a pupil resembling a lightning bolt.


Aura usually wears a blue dress with a pattern that reaches her knees. An asymmetrical pattern on the top of her dress divides it in half diagonally. A straightforward lace-like pattern is on the bottom half. Aura wears a pair of blue boots with lightning bolts on either side and a blue collar with a gold ring in the center. Aura's floor-length cloak, which she wears around her shoulders and is made entirely of clouds, is her most prized item of clothing.

Design Notes

  • The white elements around her head and cloak should be depicted as clouds.


Main Page: Lore

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Overall Abilities

Being a demigodess, Aura has super human abilities such as super strength, enhanced stamina, and a longer lifespan.

Unique Abilities

As a demigoddess, Aura has power mastery over cloud-like substances and their variants such as thunderclouds, lightning, etc. This power is known as Nephelokinesis.

Nephelokinetic Powers

  • Cloud creation: Aura can create clouds. She can vary their masses, making them as light as feathers, or heavy enough to support the weight of several people.
    • Thundercloud creation: Aura can create heavier storm clouds, and wind storms.
    • Fog creation: Aura can create fog that can can enclose herself and an area of with a certain radius.
    • Lightning creation: Aura can subsequently create lightning with these clouds, and use them to strike targets.
  • Cloud transportation: Aura can use clouds to move around, make platforms to cross large distances, or move up to higher elevations.
    • Cloud flight: Aura can transform her head clouds and cloud cloak into wings and use them to fly. However, she primarily uses her head clouds to levitate.

Super Moves

  • Lightning Strike of Resurrection: Aura can strike a target with lightning to resurect them after death. (Success rate depends on whether the heart can be restarted with electrical energy.)
  • Sudden Lightning Strike: Aura can precisely strike a target with a lightning bolt.
  • Terminating Lightning Strike: A lightning strike that instantly kills a target when they are hit.

Inventory / Equipment

  • Lightning Bolt Boots: These boots are designed to ground the natural electricity produced by Aura.


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  • Aura is the name of a minor Greek Goddess whose name means "breeze".
    • Similarly Greek wind nymphs were known as Aurai.
Contents [hide]

1. Past

2. Present

3. Future



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Quisque dictum mi at orci porttitor condimentum eu id sem. Aliquam mi mauris, varius id pharetra semper, feugiat vitae leo. Nulla blandit vehicula lacus, quis tincidunt justo. Quisque ultricies, est sed semper consequat, magna ante sagittis lacus, at porta lacus sapien et ante. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Praesent posuere lobortis rutrum. Mauris ac massa leo. Suspendisse scelerisque tempor aliquet. Donec quam erat, imperdiet ac est porta, fringilla dignissim mauris. Sed quis aliquam sem. Nunc vel interdum urna. Sed aliquet ligula non tincidunt semper. Sed bibendum nisl vel eros luctus ultricies. Donec mattis turpis risus, sed congue enim convallis ut.


Quisque dictum mi at orci porttitor condimentum eu id sem. Aliquam mi mauris, varius id pharetra semper, feugiat vitae leo. Nulla blandit vehicula lacus, quis tincidunt justo. Quisque ultricies, est sed semper consequat, magna ante sagittis lacus, at porta lacus sapien et ante. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Praesent posuere lobortis rutrum. Mauris ac massa leo. Suspendisse scelerisque tempor aliquet. Donec quam erat, imperdiet ac est porta, fringilla dignissim mauris. Sed quis aliquam sem. Nunc vel interdum urna. Sed aliquet ligula non tincidunt semper. Sed bibendum nisl vel eros luctus ultricies. Donec mattis turpis risus, sed congue enim convallis ut.

Idle Quotes

genshin_idle_dialogue_icon.webp I'll get scarred from head to toe...In order to protect what's important to me...

genshin_idle_dialogue_icon.webp Quote...

genshin_idle_dialogue_icon.webp Quote...

genshin_idle_dialogue_icon.webp Quote...

genshin_idle_dialogue_icon.webp Quote...

(When asked about her weapons.)

genshin_idle_dialogue_icon.webp The best weapon is one that gets the job done.

genshin_idle_dialogue_icon.webp Quote.

genshin_idle_dialogue_icon.webp Quote.

Contents [hide]

1. Rolling Thunder (Pet)


Rolling Thunder

Aura's pet cat is named Rolling Thunder. He had previously passed away, but Aura's Lightning Strike of Ressurrection had brought him back to life. Since then, Rolling Thunder has evolved into a divine being that is more resistant to danger than the typical cat. He also has supernatural powers, such as the ability to fly using a pair of wings that look like lightning bolts. In addition, his tail has been replaced by a big, fluffy cloud. Many of Rolling Thunder's additional abilities mimic those of his owner. He is more aware and focused than his owner, perhaps as a result of having already encountered death. Rolling Thunder got his moniker because whenever he moved swiftly, it sounded like thunder was rumbling.