

6 years, 5 months ago





GenderAMAB Non-Binary
BirthdayMay 5th
SpeciesVyrad - BETA Class
OccupationMAL Patient (formerly)
Gang Member (formerly)
NEET (Currently)

"I KNOW what I saw, and I don't want to remember it ever again..."

"I'm sorry but, do I know you?"


A.D is a tall and lean individual, standing at 6ft with light orange eyes, a slightly sharp chin and light brown hair, which is often seen tied into a pony-tail that reaches their lower back, but later in life has been cut short to reach shoulder length, and has some very outgrown bangs that are tucked to the left of their face, often covering their eye. They have an androgynous and handsome appearance that tends attract people, to their inconvenience. Their skin is a warm-grayed peach color, with little beauty marks dotting their left cheek and lower neck. When in a frenzy from hunger or extreme stress, their eyes will glow and the pupil changes color from black to red, and their face will flush into a red-orange blush when they are in that state.  Fangs protrude from their upper lip, and are seen to be thin and long, reaching half-way down their chin. A.D is able to retract them at will, but they simply prefer to have them out as they have a tendency to snack often. They have multiple scars on their right side of their body and lower legs, most being childhood scuffs and severe injuries from when they were in a gang. Due to their hybrid species of creatures that are immortal and age much much slower compared to humans, A.D's appearance remains that of a young adult for long periods of time.

When living in MAL's facilities, most of the time they wore a knee-length, cyan colored patient gown, sometimes decorated with tiny white polka dots or white stripes with a white nametag pinned to the upper left of their chest, and was often barefoot.  

After escaping, they are often seen wearing more casual outfits, usually a black t-shirt and a pair of worn out jeans and old red sneakers, but will occasionally dress into different attire if a situation calls for it. 


Post-Amnesia, A.D is a cautious and paranoid individual who wishes to get by in life as a lone wolf, but wishes for companionship at the same time. When alone or surrounded by strangers, they keep to themselves and remain quiet and reserved as they keep an observant eye out for any potential dangers, and has been seen to mumble to themselves incoherently. When with friends or acquaintances, their anxiety diminishes and takes on a very optimistic turn. With familiars, they become much more talkative and a lot more outgoing and playful, even so far to have very long deep conversations and sometimes even flirting for fun.

Pre-Amnesia A.D was a lot more playful and extroverted with everyone they encountered, even being very openly affectionate to strangers. They were much more patient when it came to dealing with difficult people, being able to befriend almost anyone who were antagonistic towards them. However as time passed and they were exposed to more and more traumatic events, they become much more afraid of strangers and automatically takes on a position to attack others when they sense them to be a threat.

A.D does understand when to cut off their feelings when a serious situation arises. They are not very strategic when it comes to fighting, but are very good at taking an offensive position to protect their loved ones, going so far as to put themselves in danger in order for them (loved ones) to escape/survive.


Laboratory Childhood

A.D is a natural born, G-Class Vyrad raised in one of the many facilities of Marvel Ash Laboratories.

 Originally named Adriel, they lived among other individuals of their same species who were unknowingly being raised to become plant fertilizer sold to the human world. One day, Adriel noticed that one of their friends, Reus, was missing and decided to wander around the facility in search for him, as they did not want to start a game without inviting him first. They find Reus following a group of doctors and their other friend, Dico, to an area much farther away from their laboratory gates, and Adriel being very stubborn and curious, followed them hidden among the forest. Reus was asked to transform into a tree, and from there, Adriel witnessed as the doctors chopped down, debarked and disemboweled Reus and burned him. His ashes and entrails were collected and taken back to the facility. In utter terror, Adriel raced back and tried to warn the other vyrad children about what they had seen, but no one believed them. 

Months after the traumatic event, their mental state had been slowly declining; they refused to eat as they believed that the cafeteria food might not actually be real animal meat, but actually the harvested organs of the burned patients (which unfortunately was true), and began to grow wary of the caretakers and withdrew from their siblings and friends. They stalked their friends in hopes to catch the doctors in the act, and to their horror, one of their younger brother's, Ovid, had been taken to the same place as Reus to be harvested. While following behind the doctors, they readied themselves to attack to save his brother, but their assigned caretaker, Dr.Zinnetti, sedated them and took them back to their room, where he did confess the truth of the facility's purpose, and decided to let them go free so they wouldn't suffer the same fate. Filled with rage at the thought they themselves were the exception but everyone else is okay to die, Adriel began to trash the facility and managed to convince some of their friends and siblings of the truth of the lab.  In the middle of all the now rampant vyrads, the facilities began to neutralize and handicap as many of them as they could and tried to regain control, however one vyrad managed to set off an explosion from an electrical appliance, effectively destroying and setting the lab up in flames as the children and teens escaped.


Adriel(age 10) managed to escape from the fire, but was not able to find any of their siblings or friends in the aftermath. They were too afraid to go back and risk getting caught by any surviving lab employees, so they continued on with their new found freedom and hoped to see their family again some day. They wandered hopelessly from town to town for roughly 3 years; Adriel found themselves in the middle of a crossfire between two rivaling gangs. Caught in the collateral damage, a young man by the name of Theo rescued Adriel and brought them back to his gang's HQ for interrogation by their leader, Leo. They mistook Adriel as a member from the rivaling group they were fighting against, which happened to be a gang of vampires feeding on the towns locals. After explaining themselves...to the best of their ability about being a hybrid, Leo offered them to join the gang, as Adriel could provide some insight or infiltrate the rivals for information due to their vampiric nature, much to the dismay of Theo.

Adriel remained with the gang for years, repaying Leo's kindness with a strong devotion for his cause, and even mended a close friendship with Theo. The pair grew very close, and would often go out scouting together in search of the rival gang's hideout and collecting weapons and material while holding very personal conversations. Theo had grown an attraction to Adriel and has attempted multiple times to engage in a relationship, but was turned down. This left him feeling slightly bitter, but did respect Adriel's choice and continued to cherish their bond. During one of their scouts, Adriel had encountered Tibil, ones of the many friends and mutual childhood crush they had back in the MAL facilities. The two reunited, and Tibil was allowed to stay, as Leo found it very beneficial to have 2 heavy hitters on his side. Adriel and Tibil reminisced their time together from childhood and started catching up on their experiences after the laboratory fiasco,  the reunion sparked a love between the two, and they immediately began dating. Adriel never let their friendship with Theo dwindle, but Theo had withdrawn from them and had soured that his affections were denied when a childhood friend that popped out of the blue was immediately accepted. Theo began to become much more physical with Adriel, punching and shoving them around whenever he grew annoyed, verbally abusing them and very few times had threatened Tibil and tried to get her to leave. Leo saw the abuse and decided to have Theo and Adriel separated from missions from now on.


In one gang altercation, Adriel was fighting against the rivaling gang while Theo and Tibil were teamed up to protect Leo from the cross-fire. Leo and Tibil had gotten severely injured and were unable to escape from their position. As the rivaling gang defeated Adriel and left them unconscious in the battle field, they closed in on Leo's hideout, overwhelming Theo and Tibil. In a final act of malice, Theo had announced their hiding position, and escaped with the incapacitated Leo and left Tibil to become bait to the rivaling gang as he escaped. After the fight had concluded, Adriel grieved the loss of their partner and had great concerns over Leo's health; this caused them to fall into a deep depression that left them unable to carry out any missions for a good while. They watched over Leo along with his sisters, and when he started to come around, Leo asked where Theo and Tibil were. As Adriel admitted that Tibil had passed, Leo seemed confused as he remembered that she was protecting him and that there was no way she would have gotten beat so easily. Theo had come to check in on him, and hearing the conversation, he butted in stating that Tibil is gone and that's all there is to it, also uttering that she had it coming if she couldn't be better. This sparked a very heated argument between himself and Adriel, and without thinking, admitted that he left her behind on purpose in hopes that she would get killed and is satisfied that it happened the way it did.

Once again engulfed by ire and the feeling of betrayal like all those years ago, Adriel attacked Theo with great ferocity, consuming a great amounts of his blood and tearing his flesh apart in a blind fit of rage, and left him behind to bleed out as they ran away once again to get lost. This time, however, when they wandered into some mysterious woods, Adriel cried out in agony, the overwhelming amount of heartbreak and suffering had finally snapped something in their psyche and...poof. All the hurt was gone. The faces from their childhood, the horrors that snaked around their home, the love and loss....all gone. They wandered the woods unable to recall any memory of their past, and no longer remembering who they are or what they are. After sometime consuming some plants and wildlife in the wood, a mysterious group that resided the that mysterious forest approached them after discovering the scourges that they were leaving behind. Seeing that this lost individual was just a confused, harmless creature trying to survive, they took them into their home and tried to help jog their memory. All they could find on them was a keychain with a faded name tag that said "Ad..." They were called A.D from then on.


  • A.D has a severe case of dissociative amnesia. While they cannot recall anything from their past, sometimes they experience episodes where their memory returns briefly, to their dismay
  • They like to collect shiny rocks
  • Being a little plant-like, they grow weak in the cold
  • They love the warmth from sunshine and light rain on cloudy days
  • They are terrified of thunderstorms but likes the water that comes with it
  • They find consuming meat and plants equally barbaric, but they will take a salad over a burger any day since plants don't usually have the ability to express emotion
  • They like the taste of salty savory blood
  • They have a fear of termites and other tree-eating pests
  • They tend to shapeshift into a tree when playing hide-n-seek or under stress and wishes to be alone
  • A.D finds lots of people attractive and flirts for fun, but seldom receives any positive feedback from their remarks, so they have no idea how to respond when someone does give them a reply
  • They find pants and shoes annoying to wear, but do like how they look on them
  • A.D is the biological child of Dr.Zinetti and a Vyrad named Melinno, but they are unaware of this relation
  • They are multilingual (English, Spanish and rough Italian)
  • A.D's coloration is meant to resemble that of an oak tree in the autumn season
  • They have a habit of biting their lower lip, which results in many minor scars since they never retract their fangs
  • They often cut their hair short when they don't feel like brushing it anymore

profile html by Hukiolukio