
2 years, 4 months ago


This is it... the place we called "home".
Darya Danilovna Fyodorova
Darya, Dasha, Daryusha
April 23rd, 2018
cis female
1.52 m/5'1
  • ghost stories
  • crime books
  • adventures
  • collecting "useless" stuff
  • Danila's lithanies about history
  • being babysat
  • rats
  • the stories of the Dark Ones

Darya Danilovna Fyodorova (Да́рья Даниловна Фëдорова), nicknamed Dasha (Да́ша) is a supporting character in the Universe of Metro 2033 fan-story "Sins of our Past". Dasha is a citizen of Rizhskaya station, and doctor Danila Fyodorov's adopted daughter. She wasn't born on Rizhskaya, but doesn't clearly remember where she comes from either – her parents traveled a lot before they died. After their death, she became a beggar, who did everything just to survive. One day, the girl wandered to Rizhskaya and got into trouble, stealing some man's knife. That's when she ran into Danila, who decided to help her.
Although as a child, she isn't keen on keeping informed with the political stuff in Metro, but she has heard of the Dark Ones and knows they're a threat to the northern stations.
During the events of 2033, Dasha is 15 years old. When her father travels to VDNKh Commonwealth stations to help, she stays on Rizhskaya under Natasha's care. The girl is currently schooled by Danila, mostly in history and medicine – something he thinks should be really important to all people living in the Metro system, especially the former.

Dasha was born sometime in 2018, after the apocalypse. She doesn't remember much of her childhood, albeit she definitely remembers that her homestation was mostly populated by anarchists. However, after some time little Dasha and her parents were forced to leave the station, traveling from one to another, without a home. One time, Dasha awoke alone in their impromptu camp, with her parenst nowehere – she decided to go and search for them, soon finding their lifeless bodies. She was devastated and didn't know what to do, yet something was telling her to survive. She was still wandering from station to station, begging people to give her ammo or something to eat. She often had to steal.
In August of 2029, she made it to Rizhskaya, where she stole a knife of some man. Then she ran into Danila Fyodorov, the current doctor of the station. After hearing the story og the girl and what she has done, he decided to stood up for her in front of the Administration of Rizhskaya, offering to adopt Dasha and raise her as a proper citizen. They agreed, and since that, Dasha and Danila have been living together. When he has to go to the other stations of the VDNKh Commonwealth, the man asks Natasha Abrosenkova to take care of the girl. Dasha, on the other hand, sometimes helps Natasha in her work in the canteen. Since early 2033, Dasha has been in a relationship with Katya Khabalova.

  • Voice claim.
  • Dasha often wears a ushanka.
  • Despite liking adventures and ghost stories, she doesn't like the stories about the Dark Ones. She believes them 100% and is frightened by them.
  • Dasha is small and lanky! She can get into small spaces like vents without any problem.
  • She is disgusted by rats.
  • She'd like to explore the surface some time, despite Danila's protests.

Adopted father


Danila Fyodorov

Darya is Danila's adopted daughter. As she was an orphaned beggar, the girl wandered to Rizhskaya one day and got into trouble, stealing some man's knife. That's when she ran into Danila, who decided to help her – he offered the station's administration to adopt the girl so he can teach her, and avoid situations like this in the future. Since then, they live together and Danila takes care of the teenager. He loves her as his own child, and Dasha is equally glad she has somebody who cares about her.

Sister figure


Natasha Abrosenkova

Natasha often acts like an older sister to Dasha, and takes care of her when Danila is absent upon his request, despite the teenager's protests that "she can take care of herself". The woman feels a strong connection with the girl, since her late child was a girl as well. Everybody knows that Dasha's adveturous personality is hard to control and that she has her own moods, but Natasha is one of the few people who exactly know how to talk with the girl so she doesn't do stupid things/changes her mood.




Her girlfriend. They met when Darya was helping Natasha in the canteen, where she served the meal for Katya. Dasha was stunned by her and her appearance, so after her shift she decided to talk to the other girl. They simply caught common ground, as both Katya and Dasha were interested in the surface world and liked ghost stories. The girl soon understood she had a crush on her friend, and finally, in 2033 she decided to tell Katya about her feelings; they became a couple, as Katya loved her too.