FITZ!!!'s Comments

He's very cute! I think I would name him lemon, or lemon boy (cause of the lemon boy song) I think he is a very happy and carefree dude, likes to collect shells and bugs he finds around, is considered the weird kid around. He can't really understand sarcasm and has trouble connecting with others, and is very immersed in his own fantasy world on his head. He likes doing manual hobbies too like drawing and sculptures and is very talented on it

very pretty,,,
his name'd be zest! though, he calls himself bones. he thinks it sounds cooler.
literal sunshine boy, golden retreiver. sweet as sugar, tries to be tough and scary to be cool. it doesn't work.

zest washed up on the shores of skuma's remote home several years back, barely breathing. skuma took one look at this beraggled, half-dead child and went "mine now". prior to washing up, zest didn't have.. the best parental figures. that's a big reason as to why he well- ran away.
he's practically attached to skuma, the way he idolizes the gruff older crabpup. skuma can't complain, though- the kid's really helpful and if we're all being honest, skuma didn't have anyone to talk to before.
zest tries his best to match skuma- be strong, be scary, be cool. he's not very good at it, though- but nobody's allowed to tell the kid that. skuma will fight them if they do.
zest didn't have a good dad before, but he sure does now

I LVOE THIS DUDE OMG.... his colour pallete is giving me mad banana vibes so his backstory/personality etc is gonna reflect heavily on that

i'd name him fitz (after the extinct banana species musa fitzalanii LOL) he'd spend most of his time collecting, u guessed it, bananas from trees. using the rope on his tail he hoists down bunches, and uses his pincers to dispose of finished trees and carefully separate bananas. i'd like to imagine that he didn't want to live the banana picking life, but his somewhat dull circular pincers made him perfect for the job. outside of work he practices his brewery skills, using leftover bananas and palms to make deliciously refreshing beverages. he came up with the idea after noticing the growing pile wasted bananas not taken by importers.

he jams out to masayoshi takanaka and other jazz fusion artists in his spare time, and dreams of a life where he could kill it on a guitar. Unfortunately he lacks fingers so it remains a distant dream </3

his fav song: 

personality-wise, fitz is pretty laid back. he's quite sweet, and hardly ever loses his temper. he takes things slow, which is both detrimental and beneficial to his job. despite the comparably small amount of bananas he picks each day, all of them remain in perfect condition; unblemished and unbruised. he's quite introverted, but sparks of confidence and humour usually unpeel themselves over a drink.

i dont really have any big ideas for him, i jsut think he's really neat and would love 2 dress him up in funky vacation attire LOL

hii!!! id probably name this guy merengue an his backstory would be that he owns a cat cafe!! he takes care of all the cats and serves mainly pie, cat shaped bread, coffee, and other baked goods an pastries :) he will often times cook the cats little feasts in his spare time!! he also has a boyfriend who makes insect taxidermy, which they hang up in the cafe <3 he can be very energetic and upbeat at times (even a little bossy), but gets easily stressed which is why he uses baking as a coping mechanism for his anxiety :) being around the cats also helps if he feels an oncoming anxiety attack!! he loves puffy jackets, eccentric jewelry, floral scents, iridescent bugs, victorian style homes, and lolita style fashion :) i would probably use this guy to draw cute bakery backgrounds and just for general art haha hes super cute! 

a very dumb little creature. thinks he’s extremely scary and tough but is actually a sweetheart. probably eats dirt

would use them as maybe a wannabe pirate (stede bonnet ofmd ass)