Pietra McCoy



2 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info

Full Name

Pietra Anne McCoy



Pietra McCoy

Mutant | ISFP-T | Gryffindor

Alias Ephemeral
Base Xavier's School
Universe X-Men
Age Teenage Years
Playlist Spotify Link

Abilities & Personality

Pietra is a mutant with the ability to breathe underwater, and (through time and practice)to remove oxygen from water and air at will. Pietra also has a physical mutation, where her naturally grey-blue eyes become a very vibrant electric blue when she uses her powers, due to the effects of her father’s mutation in her genes.

Pietra is quiet and withdrawn, but has a bit of a rebellious streak. She also (ironically) has a fear of water and of drowning.


Hank McCoy - Father

Thea Maximoff - Mother

Pietro Maximoff - Uncle, godfather

Landon Saucedo - Friend, boyfriend - (sunnybreakfast oc)

Jonathan Pritchard - Uncle, enemy


- Landon
- Rainbow lollipops
- Racing in shopping carts
- Snow
- Music


- Water
- Big open spaces
- Bullies
- Feeling afraid



Thea and Hank are both killed when Pietra is 5, and she goes to live with the mutant Chloe Böttcher(@ captain.tuesday's oc on insta), her parents' friend.

While in elementary school, Pietra is bullied by a group of kids who know she can't swim. They throw her into a lake and as panic overtakes her, Pietra's mutant abilities start to kick in. As she opens her mouth about to enhale water, she finds herself able to breathe. Another student named Landon Saucedo dives into the lake to rescue her, and his own mutation is triggered as well (the ability to control water and self-liquefication).

Xavier's School

Not long after, Pietra is invited to attend Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, and once she arrives she finds Landon was invited as well. The two quickly become best friends and help each other understand their comlimentary powers.Through time and practice, Pietra learns how to not only breathe effortlessly underwater, but to remove the oxygen from water and air at will. She gains the superhero name ''Ephemeral.''

After realizing their feelings for each other as well, Pietra and Landon begin dating.