


6 years, 6 months ago


↪ ★ R I V E R ★ ↩

【Real Name】
Rivalen Taylor
21 (Looks 18)
Closeted Homosexual

River is quite shy and is on the verge of what would be considered anti-social. His presence is rarely felt by others, given he is so quiet and prefers to keep to himself. Thus he is often left to the wayside when in public settings. It is out of choice, though it doesn't necessarily mean that he isn't lonely. He usually doesn't go to public events, as a result, instead opting to stay at home. It doesn't take much, since he doesn't do well in social interactions, to make him embarrassed. He is also very sensitive. He doesn't necessarily show his emotions when someone has made him upset, instead he will remove himself to a more comfortable location where he will get his feelings out alone. While he is removed from people when out in public, he is actually quite talkative when he is in a location where he's comfortable. He won't talk about his personal life, but he will at least be more open to introducing himself.

He has had issues with his temper in the past, which is another reason why he avoids people. He is afraid of getting into a confrontation. River has gone to anger management, so he isn't as bad as he was when he was a teenager, but he still has the tendency to get feisty should he feel threatened. His issues with his temper has made him more understanding of other people, so he is apt to listen to people's problems. He doesn't feel confident enough to offer assistance, but he will attempt to make the person feel better by distracting them.