Asiah (Mortified Asiah Vega)



9 months, 23 days ago


Asiah Vegas.

Mortified name : 'Not Yet Made'


- Now able to do reality wrapping, reality manipulation, invisibility, enter mirror to enter mirror world.

- Asiah now may summon a mirror clone of anyone to battle.

- Asiah courage against demons increased.

- Asiah's stamina, durability, speed, regeneration increases.

- Nothing may run from her sight. She had 2 different eyes now, one to see the mortal world, one to see the spiritual world.

- Her shotgun also able to support her power.


- Her spiritual eye need to remain in dark to see the spiritual world or else it's just blind eye.

- Asiah may summon anyone's mirror clone to reality, but choose properly. Since the clone will follow it's own will. If the person will is to fight against Asiah, the clone will do just that.

- Asiah's strength remains the same.

- In order to mirror cloning, Asiah must break her own finger to summon it using the finger piece.

- Asiah is in constant need of calcium.

- (Temporary) Asiah unable to unleash her full reality manipulation, need training.

- Asiah unable to cast any light based magic.

#Wounds received

Cut open cheeks, able to extended mouth gap.

Ripped eye to be replaced, dark substance run through her vein, visible.

Darkness ate her right arm.

Broken left arm, mended with simple undo cloth.

Open stab on right waist.

Stitched neck, putting the magic into her throat so she can chant the spell.

Asiah's overalls ripped.

Darkness ate her right leg to the knee.

Broke left leg, mended with splinter.