Millie Knight



2 years, 4 months ago



Millie Knight

A butcher with an intimidating stature that is immediately contradicted by her entire demeanor and personality. Millie is a bubbly and friendly individual who's happy to hang out with anyone, anytime. She's an especially big fan of cooking for buddies of her's.

While she seems like the sort of person to be an open book, there's a lot of things she doesn't talk about. Primarily before she got her job at the butcher's shop. A strange clacking or clicking noise can sometimes be heard from her.


october 3rd
6' 5" / 196 cm
who knows
neutral good







Millie is a rather large woman who tends to tower over other people. Her intimidation factor is not helped by the muscles developed due to her work as a butcher, along with the strength imparted to her from other sources. She has fair skin, only interrupted by many small scars along her forearms (usually covered by her clothes) and much larger scars on her abdomin. The scars on her arms are usually from small scrapes and burns, while on her stomach they come from much larger lacerations. On most of her body (but particularly around her shoulders, abdomin, and back) are metal and circuitry from augmentations that weren't able to be fully removed without damaging her muscles or organs. From the middle of her forearm down to her hands is replaced by mechanical claws. She has dark brown eyes and fluffy blonde hair, usually held up in a bun aside from some parts in the front. The front of her hair flops over in a way that looks comparable to dog ears.

To try and cancel out the intimidation factor from her stature, Millie dresses in a very cutesy and nonthreatening manor. She enjoys wearing t-shirts with cute graphics along with clothes too big for her, in attempt to make herself look smaller. She wears pants more often than skirts or dresses, and usually is wearing a pair of white sneakers. Millie's favorite article of clothing is a pink sweather that's a bit too large for her, which she wears off the shoulders with the sleeves very far over her hands. She'll often try to do normal activities with her sleeves over her hands, such as signing reciepts or trying to do hand gestures. A pink scrunchie usually holds her bun in place (over a ponytail holder).


Millie is a very cheerful and friendly person who's always looking to make friends and have a good time. Her personality can come off as suspicious as some due to her happy-go-lucky demeanor in even stressful situations, but they will soon come to find that her mood is far more reflective of other people than the environment she's in. When others are acting freaked out, she'll get more nervous, but as long as others are calm she tends to stay in a good mood. Millie is extremely naive and gulliable, often getting attached to people far too easily and trusting them completely. While this means she's good at making friends, it also makes her extremely easy to betray. Despite often getting shot down by the people she loved and trusted Millie remains this way, somehow believing that she'll somehow find the right people to stay by her side forever. Her personality is easily comparable to a golden retriever puppy, friendly and bright-eyed with little knowledge on how the world really is.

Due to her large and somewhat intimidating statue, Millie is very self-conscious about the way she looks and does her best to seem more approachable. She tries to dress in a cutesy manner with clothes that are too loose to make herself look smaller, and she'll often slouch around people shorter than her. She also often calls her scars "ugly" or "gross", seemingly uneffected by the actual meaning of the word but using that as an excuse to keep her past injuries hidden. She's very conscious about what others think of her, and despite being aware that she can't please everyone she's always going to try.

  • pretty knives
  • dogs
  • oversized clothing
  • sweets
  • claustraophobic spaces
  • gore
  • aggressive people
  • spicy foods



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.

