Aylane (SoT oc)



2 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info


Aylane (or Ayla for short)






Young adult


The mermaid is on her first day of duty, sent out by her people to save pirates from the sea as per their agreement with the humans. That day she witnesses a fight between multiple ships. One of the ships explodes and bodies fall into the water and noone who fell to the depths was alive. 

She spends the enire time swimming around, while cannonballs whiz above the surface, debris and wooden splinters are suspended in the water everywhere and shes brought nearly to tears frantically searching through the bodies to find someone she can deliver safely to shore.

Another explosion and another person falls into the water, and this one still has a beating heart. The mermaid wraps her arms around the only living person she found and swims away as quickly as she can from the chaos, as other mermaids arrive and relive the youngling off her duty, but she holds onto the drowning woman and doesnt let anyone else take care of her, she delivers her unconscious body to nearest island.

The woman is alive, but still badly wounded and bleeding. Aylane dragges her body out to the sand and stayes with her, too terrified to let go. The scale of the damage terrified her and she is scared that the one person she managed to rescue, will end up dying anyway because of her wounds. In desperation, she considers unthinkable. Biting the pirate so she can be turned into a mermaid and survive. Before she could do that however a weak but gentle voice and a hand on her shoulder stoppes her. The rescued pirate comes to consciousness and reassures her that she will be okay. The Pirate was Meg of course. That was their first meeting.

Meg ends up unable to forget the face of her rescuer, eventually they reconnect and a romance bloomes between them.

On her travels, Meg makes sure to navigate her ships through a couple islands where she knows Ayla's people have their territory. Her little relationship with the flaming pirate lady isn't exactly a  secret with the mermaid community and they are sure to let her know when they spot Ariadne.