Harpooner (SoT oc)



2 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info

Real name

Ezra Sawyer


Coming into adulthood





Sails on

Captain Gwyn's ship

Ship role

Harpooner, deckhand


Harpooner used to sail on a sea monster hunting ship, until one day the ship was cracked in half and sinked by a Megalodon. The entire crew drowned and Harpooner was a sole survivor. They washed up on shore and spent weeks alone on a manless island, surviving heatstrokes and starvation until they were eventually rescued by a passing vessel and escorted to port.

They're a bit of an unhinged, feral person, but they are also socially awkward and a bit shy with people. They  have a slight speech impediment from the heat strokes and the hardships they had to endure. People tend to avoid them mostly because of their Reaper mask. Its unclear where they got it or if they are actually affiliated with the Servant of the Flame, as they arent sailing under their colors.

One thing they're really good at is hunting sealife. They got a mean arm for harpoon throwing and besides that they are a silent and competent crewmate. 

Recently, they have been recruited into the crew of Captain Gwendoline. There the Harpooner met captain's adopted daughter. A young pirate girl and a port orphan who was self conscious about her ability to be useful on the sea. Harpooner started teaching her how to handle things around the ship and explained everything she had trouble with, sometimes fixing her mistakes when captain haven't noticed yet. Overtime they started developing a crush...