Shunya Khepri



6 years, 4 months ago


A young desert StarDasher from the Western continent in the Great Expanse Desert.  His tribe is nomadic and usually trade spices and salt with the various cities that are set up around the delta region and near the borders of the plains.  Trained in hand to hand combat as well as with a polearm or bo staff, one of his jobs was to protect the caravans as they traveled from city to city.  One day, as the sun was setting, the caravan (think of a mix between Mongolian and Romani) was ambushed by a group of desert StarShooters as they were passing through a narrow valley on their way to one of the cities on the delta.  The caravan was unable to defend itself and much of the tribe’s merchandise was lost to the bandits along with several lives.  Shunya was heavily injured as a result of trying to protect his family.  He was still able to run however and was told by the barely alive elder to find help, as the bandits had gotten what they wanted and left everyone for dead.  As a desert Dasher, Shunya had powerful legs, promising to return with aid.  He took off for the nearby delta city several miles away, bloody and wounded.  However, night had already fallen.  By the time he arrived, no one was around; no shop or inn would heed his plea for help.  Until he came upon one small medicine shop that looked rather non-descript with a single light on…

            Shunya banged on the door for nearly ten minutes before a small StarWeaver finally cracked the door open.  Shunya, still covered in blood, begged the shop owner if he had any medicine for grave injuries and that he would pay for it all.  The Weaver looked him up and down, adjusted his glasses and said that he’d do him one better; he would go back with Shunya to the scene.  Unfortunately…Shunya would be in a severe shock by the time they got back…everyone had already died.  The bandits had come back, looking for more loot, seen that not everyone was not dead and finally finished the job and quite viciously too.  The elder’s head was stuck on a pole at the front of the destroyed caravan.  At that point, Shunya vowed revenge for his tribe and then asked the Weaver what he could do to show his gratitude to him for helping.  The Weaver merely said that this was not a service, nothing was exchanged and therefore nothing was owed.  Besides, revenge was pointless.  He knew of the Shooter bandits; they were a powerful force in the area and often attacked merchants and caravans.  Shunya refused to give up and continued to pester the Weaver, following him back to the delta city.  He spent five days and five nights outside the medicine shop, either loitering or shouting for his “master” to acknowledge him.  As for the rest of the story…well Lyseras the Weaver couldn’t take the constant hounding anymore as it was interfering with BOTH of his businesses and finally agreed to let Shunya stay.  But that was it! (for now…)

            *Likes to wear red, as it compliments his black and gold colored fur.

            *He is quite tall and has sturdy legs (thicc boi) and good stamina from being a nomadic, allowing him to be able to run long distances without tiring.  But because of his height (which is uncommon where he’s from) and his additionally uncommonly large antlers, he is somewhat klutzy in small spaces and prefers to be out in the open.  He had a hard time adjusting to living in Lyseras’s small shop and home/library.

            *His is good with his hands and likes to build things, whether it be a small carving or a set of wooden chairs and table.

            *Because his tribe traded in spices, he is actually quite knowledgeable with plants and herbs and their uses.  This ended up surprising Lyseras and he suddenly became more useful to him besides being a boorish bodyguard.

            *His natural personality friendly and energetic.  He is very affectionate and easily shows his emotions.  His tribe was very close, so he has little sense of personal space.  He’s also a bit oblivious when it comes to reading the atmosphere.  During fights, he turns somewhat robotic and vicious, eliminating the threats without mercy.  This is probably a trigger trauma from watching his family be murdered.