


2 years, 1 month ago


Ryn9I6Z1_o.pngref sheet
theme song #1

theme song #2

design notes
- hybrid creature. badger/lion/rooster/owl/salamander/general phoenix vibes

- 5'9ish
- mostly covered in tiny feathers, not fur
- owl horns are NOT ears, just tufts of feathers. her actual ears are small holes hidden by her hair
- ref sheet has some clothing ideas, but also free to take insp from sunset shimmer equestria girls

character notes
- artsy jack of all trades type with lots of eclectic skills and hobbies
- ex-manipulative meangirl and academic tryhard. got arrested for dubious magical antics and is still on parole.

-  re-learning how to relax and be a decent friend. self-polices being mindful of others, sometimes to the point of being skittish
- a problem solver type. functions best when given something to do 
- can sometimes have a heated temper and a competitive  streak
- has a day job at a thrift store and also makes youtube videos sometimes. the variety type people tend to follow for personality more than anything else

- in a queerplatonic relationship with Julian. he was the first real friend she made after getting back on her feet, and she comes and goes from him and his gf's apartment pretty frequently
- her magic is mostly based in the 
Glamour vocation. she has the ability to see into people's heads and read thoughts/memories/motivations as they're relevant to her on physical contact, usually through touching hands. she's trained herself to be as gentle and non-invasive as possible. tries her best to avoid using the ability without consent, but accidental contact is prone to happen. it can be overstimulating and guilt-inducing for her. pre-arrest her powers stretched a bit broader.