Chartreuse (Vika)



2 years, 1 month ago


Vika Millirite








June 4






Diner waitress



 Music inspiration 


An eccentric girl who works part time at a themed diner. When she's free, she spends her spare time indulging her interests and hobbies.


  • Chartreuse is a nickname she was given when she was younger, it stuck with her and now she uses it as an alias that she uses everywhere.
  • She is very intelligent. She have a slightly above average IQ
  • Her interests and hobbies includes shopping, traditional painting, solving word puzzles, and robotics.
  • She have an incredible sense of vision. She is able to pinpoint the hex code of any color she sees.


Attitude Optimist
Dom. hand ambidextrous
MBTI unsure

Extroverted Introverted
Instinctive Calculated
Deceptive Sincere
Indifferent Emotional
Reserved Affectionate
Cooperative Lone wolf



 Food:   roll cake 
 Beverage:   milkshake 
 Scent:   Strawberry Poundcake (B&bw) 
 Color:   hot pink & green yellow 
 Flower:   peony & daisy 
 Animal:   mouse 
 Season:   summer 
 Music:   dance pop 


5'4 ft/ 163 cm


skinny & fit

 body type 

pink, teal & white

 color scheme 

cute & loose

 clothing style 

Will wear

  • shorts and skirts
  • t-shirts and tank tops
  • overalls
  • checker and stripe-patterned things

Won't wear

  • leggings
  • dress that reaches her ankles
  • toe post shoes



When Vika was younger, she spent almost all the time with her family. They would do all kinds of family activities together, but it all changed after Vika's older sister left the family. She moved to another country to pursue her own dream and never contacted home every again. Soon her parents grew ill and passed away, and Vika was left all alone.

Vika is smart, she can learn and memorize anything she wants to put her mind in. She had multiple opportunities to join some very well-known robotic companies but she turned them all down. She wants to work at the retro-themed diner that she frequented often with her family as a child, hoping to preserve the memories she had when all of her family was still together.

Working at the diner is everything Vika wanted. She is able to make new connections and new friends that she often hangs out with when she's not working. She spends her free time painting or tinkering with miniature robotics.


Vika is an optimist. She always greets everyone with a friendly and big smile. People find it very easy to talk to her, as she is always willing to listen to people and hold up a conversation eaily. She's very extroverted, always affectionate towards her friends and coworkers, and good at entertaining childrens.

For someone who is very intelligent, Vika doesn't always think with her head most of the time. She is very emotional and acts impulsively. Vika prioritizes her own enjoyment over anything else, she thinks that she won't be good at doing whatever if she's not having fun doing it. This leads to lots of mistakes that she often have to face, but she doesn't mind that much. She enjoys living in the moment.