
2 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info


Anarchic Impure


Kitsune (but don't go telling anyone)




Probably technically over 1000 years


Tall, but not imposingly so


Agile, but not frighteningly so


"Without torment. Without restraint. Without regret. There is no distinction between the value of lives. The only thing I can offer is victory."

His full name is Skadwaz Lahsaz Fuhsaz, but he doesn't tell people his full name and just has others call him Lahsaz, which supposedly translates to "salmon", because if anyone knew what his full name meant, it would spill all his secrets. According to him, salmon are known to be wise in folklore, and he likes that impression. Lahsaz does his best to remain simultaneously aloof and charming. Half his time is spent being highly analytical, the other half is spent messing around with jokes and wordplay. He is still a kitsune after all, though where he is from the technical term would be fuhsaz gaistaz. He's the type of guy to genuinely laugh at his own misfortune, but watch out if he starts voicing his real thoughts.

His personal forbidden magic is constantly active, and it shows him the probability of outcomes to actions he or others he designates can take. Though he often doesn't explain himself, so other people tend to think he is endangering them on purpose. Despite how competent he may or may not be, he somewhat enjoys the heat of battle, employing any number of underhanded tricks and tools, though most of his actual magic affects large groups from any distance so hanging back still works for him. As a strategist he knows spells that can command, strengthen, or heal armies, as well as cause city-wide explosions and incite panic en masse, and anything in-between. He also possesses the ability to create what he refers to as "tangible illusions", effectively shadows given enough mass to interact with the world around them. They still count as illusions, so it's a low-cost solution to most problems he deals with. In his one-tailed form he can only create regular soldiers or objects, but in his 9-tailed form, he creates mythological super soldiers of biblical strength and weaponry of apocalyptic caliber.

Despite his age, and his power, he was not born with a divine spark, so even though he is the last of his litter, he will not ascend to the Upperworld, unlike a certain drunk blue fox girl. But he has achieved the last victory of that battle, and an unrelated matter had left him frozen for over 2000 years (Remember kids, a 1% chance means there's still a chance). He had served as the tactician for an ancient group of heroes who were saving the world, and his final gamble ended with the heroes winning, but with himself losing and hitting the 1% chance that his "allies" leave him frozen. After his long rest, when he finally awoke, he went on to discover each of those heroes had founded kingdoms, and they conveniently left him out of the story entirely, making him the biggest secret to still walk the Overworld. Though he would have been considered a type of Neutral Good alignment before his ice nap, his new understanding of his place in the world shifted him to where he rests now.

He has fair skin, mid-length wild silvery hair with brown highlights (with some fox ears he does his best to hide), and salmon (the colour) irises. When he's not restricting his power, he possesses 9 fox tails, but he usually only has 1 (that he also tries to hide).