Umi Shimizu



6 years, 6 months ago



NAME: Shimizu Umi | QUIRK: Goin' Fishin' | HERO NAME: Little Mermaid | AGE: 15

Based off on an anglerfish, Umi's quirk allows her to morph her legs into one long fish tail. She swims incredibly fast and can also swim deeply underwater. Umi is more involved in the support/rescue/evacuation part rather than actual villain-fighting. 

Her antenna/ahoge lights up at all times. Her friends use her as a nightlight during sleepovers. She has very sharp teeth.

Umi's tail only forms when both her feet are submerged in water. She needs to keep hydrated regularly and keep her legs/tail hydrated as well; she has teacher's permission to dunk her feet in a small bucket in class. She avoids direct sunlight since it dries her out. She always finishes her summer homework early since she cannot go outside due to the sunlight and heat.

Her entire family's quirks are fish-based like her so half her house is like an aquarium to regularly keep their tails hydrated. She lives with her older sister and her parents. They are not all angler-based; the quirk varies within the family but it is all fish-related. 

Sister: Red-bellied piranha-based quirk. 24 years old. Fashion designer/blogger.
Mother: Great White Shark-based quirk. 52 years old. Lifeguard.
Father: Red Lionfish-based quirk. 53 years old. Lifeguard.

Everyone in her family look rather intimidating especially with their sharp teeth. It doesn't help that they're all based on carnivorous fish. They are a relatively sweet and helpful family.