Andy Braxor



6 years, 5 months ago


Andy is 17 and cursed to be immortal, meaning his soul cannot leave his body. Before he lost his flesh, his hobbies included browsing the internet and playing PC games. Growing up in a household with his parents and his football player brother, he lived in the basement. Kind of an ass. His previous hobbies were browsing 4chan and playing multiplayer games. Now he's kinda dead and looking to find a way home. 

Even though he's a skeleton, his body can move due to his cursed immortality. When his soul was unable to leave his body, it tries what it can to make it a habitable vessel. When he "passed away" (when he was eaten alive and his bones got spit back out), his soul took a lot of time to create a brain, pupils, and cartilage to keep his bones together. This allowed his personality and conscious, the ability to see, and the ability to move again to become a some-what stable vessel for the soul to inhabit. His soul was too weak to restore more than that. Without having no other abilities, he obtains an artificial voice box and an gastrointestinal system. Sometimes he pukes because his stomach doesn't work well. His artificial organs were made by an alien medic who is unfamiliar with the human body, hence why it doesn't work very well. However, his voice box works great, and allows him to talk almost normally.


animation meme that features him

A playlist that has some of his songs: