


2 years, 1 month ago


• Pricess of the fallen Kingdom • Lilith •

Name Lilith
Age 22
Gender Female
Species Shapeshifter

• About •

After humans started destroying nature to build villages and cities, a kingdom emerged in the process. The Kingdom of Lacia.

Lilith grew up in this kingdom, the daughter of the self-proclaimed king. The girl lacked nothing, and yet I was ugly in character and her soul was dark. She never appreciated the wealth and abundance in which she grew up. She looked down on those around her, but especially on the little folk of the kingdom. The girl only knew herself. With her arrogant, selfish and conceited nature, she made many people her enemies. Her childhood was lonely, the child closed and trapped in itself. But that was totally fine with Lilith, she did not want any friends. She only knew herself until that one day that changed everything.

One day war broke out between the people. The war destroyed everything, forests, villages, cities. And the kingdom of Lacia was not spared either. Even if the kingdom was at the top and was considered unbridled, they could not withstand the rebellion of the other peoples. The kingdom fell with all its inhabitants, including the royal family. But Lilith managed to survive...

Zaepha, the god of Syathis at that time, saved the girl. And turned her into a fox. The goddess had seen that in the heart of Lilith, there was no charity, no empathy, no connection. And so she decided to give the girl a new body so that Lilith, with her new form, would have one last chance to wash her soul clean. But the goddess did not make it easy for the vixen. Because the jewelry that Lilith wears should on the one hand remind her of her former, magnificent life and on the other hand bind her to the ruins of the kingdom. For Lilith is unable to leave the kingdom. Her soul and her body cannot leave the ruined walls of the castle.

Lilith has been trying to change for a long time, trying to leave her old life behind. But since she is bound to the fallen kingdom, she has almost no contact with other living beings. People avoid this place. And the animals that inhabit the ruined kingdom give Lilith a wide berth. You have had too many bad experiences with the vixen. Because the animals have understood that Lilith will never change. And that in her heart there was no love for the other..

And so Lilith loses more and more the will to change. Because their experiences have shown that all efforts were always in vain. No matter how hard she tries, her old life, her old self, will always come back. And so Lilith accepts the curse that weighs on her. Because she is not the problem, but the beings around her. Because they all have lost faith that things and beings can change.

"I am (not) sorry, I offended you with my common sense."

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