Hercules Thunder



2 years, 1 month ago


Last Document on the Jaeger known as Hercules Thunder before going rouge:

Hercules Thunder: Mark 3 Jaeger

Weapons: 1 retractable sword on his right arm


First deployed in 2018 alongside many other Jaegers of the same mark. The first and only pilots were (REDACTED) and good ones at that. They took down several Kaiju during their years as pilots. After the closing of the bridge in 2025, Hercules was then decommissioned and sent to Australia's Shatterdome for preservation and safe keeping. In 2038 he was then repurposed with an AI. When awakened his AI was given the name Donovan and he then began to learn and develop a personality. He took great interest in his past and watched many of the battles his pilots took part it. During the invasion of Kaijus in Australia, he took of as he went on the hunt for Kaijus to kill. He hasn't came back since and has been declared a rogue Jaeger after teaming with the rouge Jaegers Zenith Fury and Olympus Ichor.