Reko Cavendish



2 years, 1 month ago


Reko cavendish

Gaslight ⋆ Gatekeep ⋆ Girlboss
(credits to holdperson on artfight for the art!)

Guess I’m just better then the average person! But I already knew that.



veronika morozov


reko cavendish








private detective



Lives in

England (formerly russia)

Reko is a Private Detective that now comes from a wealthy family and enjoys receiving praise from people for her services and skills. She is extremely skilled at problem solving, manipulation and using her smarts to put two and two together; because of this she is widely regarded as being one of the best at her talent despite her age.

Her attire consists of long wavy pink hair kept up with a bow, she wears an open long sleeved blouse with the sleeves rolled up with a dark grey waistcoat on top. She also has long black trousers with red converses. As accessories she has a black choker, black gloves and earrings which aren’t usually visible.


(Note! This backstory is outdated and will be updated and redone sometime!) 

Reko was born in a small city with an odd rate of disappearances; people would go missing and be found dead and brutally tortured/mangled. Reko still grew up hopeful and had a normal childhood with good relationships between her parents besides her father working and being out of the house often. When she was around 7 her mother had went missing and after the police did nothing to help she ended up struggling quite a bit. At some point during this time, while exploring the house out of boredom she noticed a hatch which she had never known existed hidden under a rug in a spare room, with a childlike curiosity she had went down to find an almost dungeon like cellar with the walls seemingly soundproofed. Brutal images of barely recognisable body’s were hung around the room almost like a trophy with blood splatters covering the area as well as various sharp instruments covered the floor. She quickly fled the room and covered it back up to avoid any suspicion, she kept this to herself until eventually telling a teacher at her school; this resulted in the police being sent to her house and the horrific discovery being made. A week or two later it had made national headlines that her father was discovered to be a killer responsible for a lot of the disappearances of people in the area as well as her mothers with some bodies even being yet to be found. Her dad had disowned her for this even going so far as to threaten her before being taken off to jail to serve a life sentence.

Reko was left traumatised and practically orphaned and now in a care home. She was thrown into the spotlight for her fathers actions and what media had deemed to be her heroic bravery and as time went on she grew accustomed to the constant attention that was continuously given to her. Eventually, a rich upper class couple who had been donating to the families of those affected by the tragedies had found out about Reko and pulled as many strings as possible to adopt her out of pure morbid curiosity. She moved in with the pair and began living a more luxurious life despite the fact couple were almost obsessed with the case and only payed attention to her if it was to interrogate her on everything that had happened. But when the excitement of asking questions about her father ran out and she had nothing more to tell them, her new parents became distant and no longer bothered to acknowledge Reko. This led to her trying her best to demonstrate her worth and smarts to try win their approval and as a result this got her new parents to grab the opportunity of trying to get rid of her by enrolling her into a private boarding school for gifted children; treating her like a puppy you buy a child on Christmas. 

Her abilities grew at this school despite how much she hated studying, they would pile work onto her without a break which meant she lacked a sense of freedom or control. Due to this she never got a chance to socialise during her time at the school because of the amount of work and tutoring she was given. Her past and reputation had proceeded at this school however, classmates would regularly take turns in regularly bullying Reko in a variety of ways, seeing her as bad news and telling her constantly that she is the one who should carry the burden of her dads actions. They’d often become jealous of Reko’s better treatment and the praise she would receive, meaning they’d turned against her out of spite and their own insecurity. Reko never understood this resentment that people had against her and instead of fighting back against whatever her fellow students would do to her she would try to talk to them to figure out why; something which never succeeded and only resulted in harsher treatment and humiliation. Although her new parents didn’t want to acknowledge Reko, she now was legally involved with their family which meant she was also responsible to continue to improve their image; they had taught her she had to be the best no matter what and that she had to get rid of her emotions so that she could truly succeed at life and in business. 

She grew with these thoughts in mind and with her adoptive parents help she started a business in their name as a private investigator, using her platform as the person who exposed a serial killer to further her career. She had her name changed shortly after her career had skyrocketed, feeling no need to hold onto the ties to someone she resents. She helped with many high profile cases giving her publicity across the country. At this point validation and approval were only given when she had helped with something noteworthy which meant she got into an unhealthy loop of constantly working. She would sacrifice her own health sometimes forgetting to take care of herself or sleep or take breaks in order to allow herself to get more people to notice her achievements. 

Because of this constant search for work she would sometimes end up getting involved in shady business such as helping gangs or criminals in order to get more money and show to people how successful she is. As well as this, she ended up getting onto the bad side of a lot of people, meaning she would sometimes get assaulted or stalked as payback and constantly ended up in dangerous situations. This meant she now has to keep her guard up at all times and could no longer trusts others. Despite this, she feels no remorse for any of her actions, seeing only her gain in everything she does; her main enjoyment from her jobs is how much power and control she can hold over people’s lives. She enjoys the fact she can toy with people by using any blackmail she can dig up and finds a lot of people’s reactions amusing to her; because of her lack of remorse she can and will gladly push any buttons to get a reaction she finds funny out of people and still continues to.



Originally, Kiya was someone Reko had disliked for a majority of the game, his completely opposite and annoying personality being something that’d bugged her. However as time went on, she began to get familiar to the boy, his presence eventually being something that she didn’t quite mind and began to enjoy. She’d spent most of the game knowing that he’d had a crush on her, something which turned out to be quite handy when she ended up developing feelings for him too! It wasn’t until Kiya had confessed to her after committing a murder to escape that she’d admitted the Mutual feeling, the pair then going on to leave the game together!

Koro mikoto (Best friend)

Despite not getting on with almost everyone in the game, Koro is one of the exceptions, the two often meeting up in different areas to chat about the game or the others in it! Surprisingly, it’d turned out that the two had a bunch in common! Often having small sleepovers to give advice or ironically make fun of Kiya. Koro is definitely the closest person she’d call a friend, being one of the few people she feels as though she can tolerate and actually enjoys the company of! Until he died that is, fly high dog boy 🕊


Reko is usually calm with a rather cold and analytical approach to both people and situations, she’ll often keep her distance though speaks her mind on whatever she feels the need to, even if it’s something that will upset others. She likes to study peoples behaviour and will do certain things to see how people will respond. Reko ironically has a distaste for rules and doesn’t like being restricted or under control as she likes to have the upper hand over all situations and will get agitated if she isn’t, usually resulting in her trying her best to turn the tables back into her favour.

She has a superiority complex and as a result of this she has an inflated ego and self of self; often bragging about her accomplishments. She was often taught that she should be superior to other people, something which she struggles to believe and results in her fake front of being above it all. Despite this, she enjoys proving herself to people, seeing validation and attention as something incredibly important and powerful which means that she’ll also do anything to get it. Being in the spotlight is essential to her, meaning she often continues her bragging or in rare cases acts out with her recklessness resulting in dangerous situations for either her or others.

Due to the isolation from others she endured during her life, Reko struggles with displaying a lack of empathy for most people and although she in fact has both empathy and morals, she is often seen as rude or cold. Most of the knowledge she has on interacting with others often came from psychology books in which she studied, something that meant she rarely got actual experience in that department; the concept being something she understands but can’t seem to put into practice. Furthering on from that, she has a belief that she should only rely on herself due to trust issues and how she was raised, meaning she often has trouble keeping any kind of personal relationships or even starting them. Her ego and cold nature usually ends up driving people off whether that be by accident or as a result of her trying to distance.

She has no problem bringing up extremely personal aspects of people and using it against them, often as a way to entertain herself and observe people’s responses. Although she enjoys toying with people in this way, it means she often gets hurt as a result of going too far and saying too much. Ironically, despite her massive ego she doesn’t care too much about whatever happens to her so whenever these incidents occur she sees it merely as a hassle to deal with.

Underneath the big front she has, Reko is in actually a deeply troubled individual; she struggles a lot with her own self of worth and struggles even more so to cope with the pressure she received in her normal life. Without her ego she is an awkward person who can’t grasp how to really be around people nor have a genuine interaction without acting overly confident. She hates showing this side to others, seeing it as a display of vulnerability and will despise herself for letting it come to light. Her lashing out and need for attention stems from her struggle with mental health, something which she hadn’t been shown how to appropriately deal with or work through meaning that it bottles up till it shows in bad ways. 


  • Ferrets
  • Psychology
  • Being sarcastic
  • Heights
  • Being out of control
  • Cooking

-Her gloves act as a way to conceal fingerprints

-She is an INTJ and her alignment is Chaotic Neutral

-She owns two ferrets

-Her design is intended to show that she wants to be seen as mature but is still just a teen herself

-Her birthday is on August 30th

-She is almost completely incapable of cooking, whenever she tries it usually results in either it being completely burnt or some other catastrophe