


2 years, 1 month ago


DON'T. LOOK AT ME. IT'S FINE. She does so much violence. This guy :handshake: Evangeline: They Are Going To B Beat You To Death

Story: The Hallowed
Age: 22
Height: 6'2
Gender: Female
Pronouns: she/her
The Hallowed Toyhouse folder

Angelica is a Monster in the Echo line. Her powers revolve around being able to see into a person's heart and seeing their hopes and desires, then able to create physical Echoes of those desires as illusions around the person. When her powers are active, she gains glowing pink swirls around her eyes and arms. The glow around her arms is faint until she is able to make physical contact with the person. The glow then takes the form of cords that allow her to grab a physical manifestation of that person's Echo.

Lead Monsters are the only monsters in a category that can give other people that category of powers. Lead Monsters have feral monster forms that are infinitely more powerful than their human forms, but if they stay in it for too long, they lose themselves and become a fully feral monster. The first person after this feral monster to get powers in the same category then becomes the Lead Monster, and can infect others.

Angelica was given her powers shortly after her sister Evangeline got hers. After seeing how her sister became more powerful and more in control after gaining her own powers, Angelica sought out her own. The first Monster line she came in contact with was the Echo Line, the lead of which, Amaranth, was hesitant to give her powers at first. Eventually it relented, and now Angelica teams up with Evangeline to torment people and she has a FANTASTIC time doing it.

Members of the Echo Line have a tendency to slowly lose their grip on their sanity the more they use their powers. As Angelica used her powers every chance she could to one-up Evangeline, she very quickly slipped off the edge, giving her a sort of sick and twisted joy when she finds the perfect way to torture someone with her powers. Evangeline has no intentions on helping her stop.