Shizuka Amano (In-Depth Profile)




CONTENT WARNING! This profile contains mentions of abuse, minor gore, sexualization of a minor character, and disordered eating. If you wish to avoid these topics, please skip over the BACKSTORY and RELATIONS sections.


Shizuka Amano



Sept 24


Demiromantic Ace


103 lbs

Ultimate Performer



  • Candy
  • Make-up
  • Compliments
  • Masks

  • Loud noises
  • Being touched
  • Talking
  • Puppets

  • Shizuka has selective mutism and can only (somewhat) talk to people he's comfortable around
  • His mouth injury does not hinder his ability to speak
  • Despite his anxiety, he doesn't seem to mind performing in front of large audiences
  • Although he doesn't speak, he occasionally makes noises










  • write
  • some
  • positives
  • here

  • write
  • some
  • negatives
  • here

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Shizuka was born to Seung Susa and Jung-Hwa Susa on September 24th, in South Korea. He most likely had a different name when he was a kid, but records of a name have since been deleted. While his parents were neglectful, Shizuka lived a normal life until his sister, Soomin Susa, was born a few years later. Soomin was perfect in every way; she was beautiful, smart, and charismatic. Her parents loved her; so much that they neglected Shizuka more and grew angry at the things he lacked. Even asking for dinner enraged his parents. Shizuka was naturally good at doing tricks and dancing; he was enrolled in dancing classes and easily made his way to the top. However, nothing would ever impress his parents, so eventually they got tired of him. Not wanting any proof of Shizuka ever existing in their family, they erased every mention of him in documents and photos. When he was seven, he was sold to a performance company after they took interest in his young talent.


His name was changed to Shizuka Amano, so that he would fit into the Japanese company. His main guardians were his managers, Kenta Miyahara and Takeshi Higashi, who ran the company. While his skills were impressive, his managers always believed he could do more. So, without any way to escape, Shizuka was constantly training for performances he would have to put on. He wasn’t allowed to decide what he wore, ate, who he hung out with, etc- his life was in complete control of his managers. The more popular and successful he became, the more they wanted out of him. Instead of going to school, he was taught by a private tutor. Other performers that cycled through the company often resented him from being the “star” and the “managers’ favorite”. Despite being surrounded by people who despise him, he was popular internationally and would even do private performances for royalty or government officials.

Throughout his life at the company, his managers would use their position of power to abuse Shizuka and take their anger out on him. Kenta always found a reason to be upset with him; punishing him over the littlest things and making him feel he always fell too short. Takeshi was the opposite; most of the time, he was nice to Shizuka, even comforting him after Kenta’s outburst. After he gained his trust and built back their relationship, Takeshi would suddenly turn on him and make him feel as if he betrayed him, before going through the process all over again. Whenever either felt Shizuka was getting too bold or independent, they would tear him down emotionally until there was nothing left of him.


During one of his rehearsals, he caught a rope in his mouth, which lacerated his face. Despite having a medical student on standby, his managers refused to give her permission to treat him or send him to the hospital, so he was forced to treat it by himself. The scarring left behind was too severe for makeup to cover, so his managers included masks into his performing wear. He soon began to wear a mask even off the stage, due to being insecure about his face.

Shizuka suffered from selective mutism ever since he was a young child. Usually kids are able to grow out of their mutism, but since Shizuka had a not so great childhood, his mutism only grew worse. It grew to the point where he is unable to talk to anyone in his life. Since fans have never heard him say a word, he was nicknamed the “Silent Dancer”. Most people assume he’s mute or deaf. Since he has little to no connection with the outside world, he is unable to learn sign language and has to resort to writing to communicate. This is usually not an issue, since no one wants to listen to him anyway.


With his massive success and diverse performances, it was a no-brainer that Hope’s Peak reached out to the company to invite him to the school. Overtime, Shizuka has grown to resent performing, since he associates all the abuse he went through with it. Originally he was against being an ultimate and going to the school. However, his managers forced him to go, convinced this would finally make him the perfect performer.


Out of the many people Shizuka worked with, Kenta was the person he had the worst relationship with. He had a short temper and would use Shizuka as his emotional (and sometimes physical) punching bag. Kenta relies heavily on Shizuka's talent to keep the business going and make a lot of profit, so he was the one to push him the hardest and scold him for every error. Despite this, Kenta was also the one who took care of Shizuka the most, since he was legally one of his guardians. He always make sure he has his basic needs (most likely because it helps him perform) on time. Kenta also made sure he stayed "fit enough for his job"- so really, he didn't feed him much at all.

While he has the same motivations as Kenta, Takeshi was usually nicer to Shizuka. He would encourage him to perform better and comfort him after one of Kenta's outbursts. However, his patience was slim, and eventually he would get tired of taking care of Shizuka. On stressful days or weeks, Takeshi could be just as abusive as Kenta was towards him, or even more. Nevertheless, he always made sure to get on Shizuka's good side again after anything he did to him. Takeshi was the one who pushed Shizuka to be more feminine, as to attract a better audience. He also was the one who sexualized him, changing his clothing and his moves during his performances, despite Shizuka being legally a child.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean tristique mollis fringilla. Donec sollicitudin magna non mauris blandit lacinia. Nulla sodales bibendum magna eget molestie. Sed placerat dolor sem, vel pharetra felis fermentum in.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean tristique mollis fringilla. Donec sollicitudin magna non mauris blandit lacinia. Nulla sodales bibendum magna eget molestie. Sed placerat dolor sem, vel pharetra felis fermentum in.