♡ Ramen ☆



"i've got a feeling, it's so hard to say, but your life will happen anyway."

ramen!! 607124b3.gif?v=b159a55f2b240863.gif?v=b159a55f

[real name brittany, ramen is a stage name but she mostly goes by that or britt]

she/they 8a3b341e.jpg?v=f8935733

24 yrs old [phase 2]

voice claim: mars argo


guitarist, artist, singer 5b57dc24.gif?v=3263a73c

pre-phase 1

created in a lab, using soda syrup and the DNA of a cat. she was created as an experiment, trained to do many things against her will. because of this, she's skilled in lots of different fields. she hated the majority of skills she was taught, but learned to have a strong love for playing guitar. however, she was mistreated badly in the lab and hates remembering it. they also don't like seeing themselves in the mirror, because the sight of herself makes her feel like a monster, only created for harsh experiments. during their time in the lab they were given the name "BR1774ZY", but found the name similar to "Brittany" and named herself that. 

phase 1

after being let free from the lab, they stayed in an alley in the city and decided to become a street musician using the guitar she made sure to bring along with her. this was her life for a while, before they met Stu in the alley they slept and lived in and he invited her to her studio. After that, she joined his band and earned the name "Ramen" after finding and eating a packet of ramen they found in Stu's kitchen. Eventually, they joined Stu's band, The Glowing Sea Urchins, as the guitarist! 

phase 2

after a few years of being in Stu's band, Ramen wanted to pursue her own career and focus on their mental health so they decided to go on hiatus. They moved into their own apartment and during this time really got into self-expression through art. She developed an interest in painting, ceramics, and her own unique style. They also began to write their own songs and later started her own small band, consisting of herself, Vix, and Zoey. 

extra info: 

blood and tears are soda! blood is blue raspberry flavored, tears are grape flavored. she smells like grape soda too! their blood is sticky and messy since it's just soda syrup, but her tears are pure soda. 

ramencore pinterest board