[TBN] serpent shadow monster



2 years, 4 months ago


A heiyao monstrosity, similar in nature to Sekrikzhad but patterned after the flesh of the serpentfolk instead of humankind. Whereas Sekrikzhad was created as a soulless monster (and later attained sapience involuntarily), this creature is indwelt by a banamaðr spirit and is, as such, fully conscious. Shadowflesh is woven throughout his bulk and he is capable of manifesting limbs of varying shapes from almost any point along his serpentine body.

Appearances by him are rare, and reports of encounters with him of good veracity are rarer still. He is rightly feared; his ability to meld into and out of shadow allows him to slip past the defenses of his targets, and his immense strength means he can overpower even the stoutest alfr. He also seems to be significantly more durable than Sekrikzhad ever was, with heavy caliber gunfire and even certain Delineated weapons inflicting only superficial injuries. There is very circumstantial evidence that he has undergone subtle cybernetic augmentation, perhaps carried out by technicians within one of the surviving witch-realms, or maybe by enslaved gwemoueb hweba.

Like other banamaðr, he is a sadist. He forces his way into the minds of his victims, looming over their consciousnesses, relishing in their pain in the most excruciatingly intimate way as he slowly rends the life from their bodies. He remembers each murder, and will often force a defeated opponent to relive the deaths of countless prior victims before finally killing them.

His hatred for Sekrikzhad has twisted into a form of utter revulsion and disgust—he looks upon the latter in the same way one might look upon a horrifically malformed or injured animal, a weak, unworthy predecessor whose very existence is an affront. It's likely that even if Sekrikzhad had never awoken he would have destroyed him out of spite anyways. He takes every opportunity to frame Sekrikzhad for his actions, knowing very well that Sekrikzhad already faces an uphill battle convincing others of his sincerity.