


2 years, 1 month ago


"Everything looks perfect from up here"

Otto is enthusiastic and curious cat creature. He works as an apprentice for a mechanic, but in his spare time works as a psychotherapist
He can often be pushy or mischievous, not because he wants to hurt someone, but usually just because he's curious (he reads the rules before he breaks them). Can be nervous if he feels he is losing control of the situation. He doesn't know how to hide his emotions at all.


Name Otto
Age 17 years
Gender male
Species cat creature
Birthday May 1
Height 177cm
Orientation straight
Occupation mechanic \ therapist

  • flying
  • black licorice
  • scarfs
  • trains

  • to be underestimated
  • falling
  • feeling of helplessness
  • alcohol


  • Often talks to himself, feels better when he begins to pronounce his actions and thoughts in the third person
  • He is well versed in the subject of psychology, reads a lot of books about it and in general he is a good psychotherapist, but few take him seriously, and therefore he has very few visitors.
  • Can attach glider wings to his body (he flies and maneuvers poorly, but can travel long distances in a straight line well)
  • His body is organic and he has all the organs, but also his body is full of gears, springs and other parts (if you hug him hard enough, you can hear them knocking inside, and you can also feel as they protrude through the body). When he is nervous or overjoyed, he may spit out a few details. It's possible that his insides have some sort of regeneration variant so that he doesn't take damage from the metal in his body (wounds on his body heal normally tho). Also, for some reason, he feels better with the gears than without them (that's why he sometimes eats them ,_,)
  • Somehow connected with time travel. He never specifies exactly how, but if you suddenly need help with this, you can turn to him.
  • Loves trains! Can distinguish the model by its appearance, tell what equipment is there and many interesting facts!

Design Notes

  • Has "modern AU" form, where he lives in 2000s, but his gadges are much more advice (like holograms and stuff). Has companion - holographic fox called Comet, who also act as his GPS
  • Wings are opt! He has set of four wings and one membraned tail
  • Clothes can be changed (but prefer goggles and scarf to stay)
  • Has can be drawn with or without pawpads


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