


2 years, 1 month ago




shy • positive • clumsy

Name Harumaru Komiya
Alias Haru
Gender male
Age varies (child to teen)
Height short
Race Asian
Role what they do
??? idk what to put here yet
HTML Pinky


A sickly, fragile boy with way too many health problems who deeply loves animals (but can't have any). Incredibly optimistic, sweet and shy to a fault; he doesn't have very many friends, but he treasures the ones he does. Clumsy with bad luck and is often accident prone.

Likes to try and help around the house, games, stories, going to petshops.
Dislikes endless studying, staying up late, traveling far.


  • Illness, hospitals, and other medical motifs
  • Animals
  • Innocence and childhood; a tinge of nostalgia of those carefree days
  • Stuffed animals and toys
  • Fungus, mushrooms


A young boy growing up while struggling with poor health, leaving him unable to attend school regularly and, in turn, becoming too shy to interact once able to return. After befriending a group at a game shop, he finally starts to open up, and gets to live vicariously through them and their games. His academic life is suffering from all of his absences but he tries his best to keep up… He should probably focus on studying more and playing less, but you only get to be a kid once.

Hero AU

Haru is a still a sickly kid struggling to go to school, but in a world of filled with people with superpowers that are off fighting alien monsters and protecting the city, he is gifted with… mushrooms that sprout up around him when he’s sad. Moss grows when he’s happy, and organic material decays when he’s threatened. Useless powers he can’t control.

  • His favorite animals are bats (specifically northern ghost bats)
  • Has no shame about liking cute things, his bed is like 70% stuffed animals
  • Since he spends so much time recovering or ill, he enjoys making up stories and characters to pass the time. As a teen and adult he aspires to write novels and short stories, and make cute stationery merchandise
  • Soft spoken and bashful
  • Has galaxy-styled eyes (brown with glittery gold; red crosses as pupils)


A NEET at the game shop. Becomes like a father figure to him.



His childhood bully (who later becomes his boyfriend).



Punk with a heart of gold, friend from the game shop.