[ToX II] Carina (04 l Lurina)



6 years, 5 months ago





Write a little bit about the couple.


  • Relationship acquaintances ?
  • Status rocky, smooth, etc.
  • Bases hugged, kissed, etc.

Important Stuff to Remember

  • Write some small, important stuff you prolly need to remember.
  • Write some small, important stuff you prolly need to remember.
  • Write some small, important stuff you prolly need to remember.

Background / About

Having been classmates, both Carina and Ludger managed to keep a rather close friendship over the years. Although both makes it very clear they are "just friends" despite their best efforts to convince themselves and others it doesn't help that they are usually seen together out in public quite often. Everyone around them can clearly see just how deeply they care about the other but both are either too shy to admit anything or are afraid of taking the first step in what can in fact be a rather wonderful relationship. Still the people they are associated with will casually make a comment of the two when together that can easily leaving them a blushing mess and stepping away from being to close to each other in order to compose themselves.

Both are very supportive and trusting; they can easily talk about anything and it is rather hard for them to hide any kind of secret from the other. Their trust and honesty is what they are built on making the other other a pillar of support for when things get rather difficult in their lives. They are a shoulder to cry on, a voice of reason, an honest opinion and a good time, over all a good friend. Carina has waited for any signs from Ludger to perhaps take their friendship to the next level, but she is afraid to do so and in turn Ludger believes she sees him as a friend and doesn't want to end up hurting their friendship in fear of driving her away. It doesn't really help that Carina also considers her to be a rebound for Ludger's failed at gaining her cousin's, Nova, affection during a misunderstanding back in their school years.

Perhaps the two are just waiting for the other to say something first to confirm any real feelings they have hidden away behind playful smiles and teases.


[Date or Milestone Number]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis id blandit sem. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Vestibulum vestibulum sapien at tellus convallis ornare. Morbi lacinia odio vitae elit commodo, at pulvinar risus rhoncus. Maecenas condimentum tristique mi eget aliquet. Aliquam mauris nisi, mattis mattis dictum sed, ultricies eu mi. Donec tempor, orci quis rhoncus semper, orci sapien convallis elit, sit amet tempor dolor lorem ut ex. Etiam non nisl vel magna lobortis ultrices. Praesent lacinia risus felis. In eleifend feugiat mattis. Aliquam risus nibh, finibus quis consequat tristique, dictum ut nulla. Suspendisse potenti.

[Date or Milestone Number]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis id blandit sem. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Vestibulum vestibulum sapien at tellus convallis ornare. Morbi lacinia odio vitae elit commodo, at pulvinar risus rhoncus. Maecenas condimentum tristique mi eget aliquet. Aliquam mauris nisi, mattis mattis dictum sed, ultricies eu mi. Donec tempor, orci quis rhoncus semper, orci sapien convallis elit, sit amet tempor dolor lorem ut ex. Etiam non nisl vel magna lobortis ultrices. Praesent lacinia risus felis. In eleifend feugiat mattis. Aliquam risus nibh, finibus quis consequat tristique, dictum ut nulla. Suspendisse potenti.