


2 years, 1 month ago




stoic • aloof • disturbed

Name Murai Rinji 村井 麟児
Alias Murai, dog
Gender male
Age 19-21
Height short
Race Asian
Role shinsengumi
Era 1800s / Edo
HTML Pinky


A stoic, aggressive, unsociable, emotionally stunted boy that is prone to unhinged fits of violence. Seems incredibly aloof and apathetic; doesn’t listen to anyone except his master Yuzan, and uses the absolute least amount of mumbled words to speak if he must. Does the all the dirty work with no complaints. A simple minded (broken) dog.

Likes: sweets, Yuzan, warm places, sake, sharp weapons, murdering
Dislikes: the cold, people, conversations, rain, snow, orders, society


  • dogs; black shiba inu
  • loyalty
  • shinsengumi/samurai
  • murderer/psychopath
  • candy
  • outcast street life


Murai was born into the class of outcast, a son of filthy butchers – doomed from the start to never rise about his caste, considered below humanity. Even as a child something was always off with him. After his father was murdered and his mother committed suicide, he wandered the streets alone, living off of whatever he could find.
One night he intervened in a fight between a samurai and a group of thugs, if only as a chance to freely take a human life. Impressed by the violence, Yuzan took him under his wing as apprentice, where he refined and mastered his fighting skills.

After joining the Shinsengumi, he quickly gained a reputation both in and out of the organization as an untamed, dangerous dog – and one that would listen only to Yuzan, who had his own devious agenda in the works.

In various versions of the story and in different AUs, he usually ends up losing an arm.

  • A lot of habits from outcast street life have stuck with him; doesn’t use shoes, will pick through the garbage, etc
  • Speaks in a flat affect, and never sounds enthusiastic, ever, dead inside always
  • Often goes too far with violence – is easily triggered to fight, will mangle corpses far beyond death, will chase those that flee, etc. Works hard to get self control over this
  • Learns extremely quick and doesn’t make the same mistake twice. Has a high aptitude for learning but doesn’t see any reason to apply himself to anything
  • Suffers from occasional anxiety and panic issues and night terrors, but is unaware that’s what it is or what the deep seated trigger is – but is not usually bothered by this due to his already defective personality.
  • Absolutely hates the cold and will shut down and stop functioning in it
  • Fighting style is incredibly agile and active, lots of movement and quick strong blows. Better with short blades or daggers as opposed to swords


His master and only person that matters in the world.