


6 years, 6 months ago


Arctic Variant (Common)
 Rose Flowers (Common)
 Extra Leg Fur (Uncommon)
 Wilting Flowers (Legendary)
 Exposed Rib Cage (Legendary)   




also undead??


Delilah grew up in a cold mountain town consisting of a mix of Arctic and Forest rosales. She was a very tomboyish child, who would frequently pick fights with older boys and climb trees competitively with any young rosales who would dare challenge her. Adults called her fiery, and it was a warmth that attracted many around her. She was rather popular, despite her parents always insisting that she needed to be more lady-like, and had a large ring of friends growing up. When she got a little older, she learned to embrace her femininity, growing her hair out and discovering a particular love of bows. But she retained her bold, bossy personality. As a young adult she even started up her own business, using magic and sled dogs to ship goods across the treacherous cold north. The rosales who had grown up roughhousing with her eagerly signed up, and together the childhood band soon had a thriving business going. In some instances they even transported rosales who were inexperienced in trekking the dangerous wildernesses. One such case was that of a young forest rosales from a larger city.

He had arranged to be transported to Delilah's hometown to study under his aunt for a time. He was a small, quiet, reserved young man of slender build, who looked frail next to the hearty arctic rosales who lived there. It was clear from the beginning that Delilah was taken with him. She took him under her wing, showing him the ropes of dealing with the cold climate and giving him part-time employment in her business handling finances. After a while, the lads temporary residence became permanent, and the two started seeing each other almost every day. Their courtship was slow and tentative, but never slowing down and never wavering. Even when neighbors could hear the two arguing well into the night, by morning they always walked hand-in-hand. As quickly as they argued they made up, and Delilahs passion was quelled by his calm quiet patience. By all accounts, they seemed made for one another. He, however, was never made for the rougher lives led by the arctics. He had always been somewhat frail, and after a few years living there he fell deathly ill. Delilah braved many dangerous trails herself trying to bring in any doctors or medicines she could get her hands on, but her best efforts were in vain, and late one night they lost him.

Delilah had been stubborn from the day she was born, some said. And it was true, she was unwilling to accept even death. So she packed up and traveled south. In her days of searching for medicine, she had heard rumors - nothing more than whispers - of a mysterious figure in the swamps. A ghost, a witch, or a demon no one knew. But the shadow of a hope was enough for her. Delilah sped there, and slowly braved her way through the unfamiliar terrain, dodging alligators, snakes, and seemingly every insect the goddess had ever made. But, finally, she found the home of a strange and ominous rosales, who introduced himself as Bitter. Bitter let her stay in his strange swamp mansion, alons with his peculiar apprentice, a kelpie with cold eyes and an alligator tail. He told her that he could snatch a rosales from the cold clutches of death. But, as with all things there would be a price. The price for his services was steep, and that said nothing of the effects the magics would work on her own self. She didn't care. Barely pausing to consider it, Delilah accepted Bitters deal. He have her a tiny velvet pouch, with the barest trace of a glimmering powder within it. He instructed her to brush the powder upon her lips, and lay a single kiss on the lips of the one she wished to resurrect. 

Delilah sped back home with every bit of haste left in her. As she had instructed, her love had not yet been buried. She did as she was told, leaned in and placed a single fleeting kiss upon his lips. Almost instantly, the color returned to his cheeks, his skin rose, and he took a shocked breath as he opened his eyes. In that same instant, however, Delilah herself changed as well. Just as Bitter had warned her would happen, she felt the life drain from her. Her energy drained, her passions faded, and she felt her emotions, determination, envy, even love, leave her. Even her bright red roses wilted and faded. Her chest sank, as a corpses might, and caved in, filling with wilted flowers. Unable to bear being seen, she turned and fled into the night as quickly as she had come, the cries of the one she had given life to faded into the blistering cold wind behind her. She has been running ever since, finding no place for herself in the world, and still in debt to the dark wizard, Bitter...


As a young rosales Delilah was an incredibly bright, passionate, and energetic girl. She was known to be rather bossy, but had a good head on her shoulders. She was clever, bold, and ultimately very kind, even  if she was also short-tempered and loud. After the curse befell her, however, she became a shell of her former self. Unexpressive, withdrawn, and largely unfeeling. Delilah can no longer feel love for anything or anyone, herself included. She silently roams the world, full of loneliness and longing.