Clownfish's Comments

Sorry for the random comment. It was ment for another sea dragon that i saw lol.

I've been into sea dragons lately for some reason.

(Also is this guy still up for offer? I'm looking through sea dragons rn putting up offers to have some fishy bois/gals)

Yeah they're still up for offer

Okay! Cool then I'll extend the same offer  that I put out for the other sea wing lol

I have everyone but Horizon and Qrow up for offer for this dragon.

You put an offer for another seawing? I dont think I saw it if so, could you remind me what you're talking about?

Also I would trade clownfish for fish if you want

It was on a different user design. I had two tabs open and clicked on the wrong one. I'm trying to find that sea dragon again but I can't see it rn. I don't remember which user it was. 

Anyways yes! I can definitely send Fish your way!

Clown fish is gorgeous.

Man I love them so much already. I don't think I've seen one like that before!!

Definitely love them

Aw thank you!! I love them a lot too, just have no idea what to do with them ;w;