


2 years, 4 months ago



Aelia Larkton




Unemployed due to health complications. Formerly a school teacher.

May 1st!

introverted extraverted
spontaneous conscientious
hostile agreeable
practical imaginative
stable neurotic
serious comedic

Aelia is a polite and carefree woman. She has a tendency to 'mother' those younger than her, though it's simply rooted in the fact she's constantly around four kids of her own. Her activeness and social life seemed to tank for a bit once her health started to decline, though now she seems to be right back to the extroverted and helpful lady she was before- Mutation or not!



Aelia had no true parents, being spawned in and growing up as most tomoyokis are. She was, however, found by a pair of rabbit tomos who couldn't have their own. They took her in, and cared for her as if she were blood. When she was 18 she moved out, beginning her life within college. There she met her future husband, and they were seemingly both smitten for each other right off the bat.

They had their first child shortly after graduating from college at 19. First son. Fox tomo, despite both parents being spawned in as rabbit tomos. It was a bit funny.

After college, Aelia moved in with her then boyfriend, who proposed when they were both 22. After the second child, of course. Oopsie! Only daughter.

They were both officially married only a few months after the proposal, and they had a very loving, although a bit stressed from the two children, marriage.

At 24 they had their third child. Second son! Woo yeah.

Although life was going good for Aelia, she was suddenly hit with news that left her shocked when she was 26- They'd found out she was showing the beginning signs of a most likely life-threatening mutation. She was expected to have it truly kick-in within a few days, and sure enough, it did.


Once the mutation kicked in, Aelia was voluntarily bed-ridden and quarantined from the rest of her family for 8 weeks- Something that seemed shockingly out of character for her, especially with her being so active within her family's life before. Her husband would occaisionally check in, though he was soon discouraged from doing so when she outright told him to stop, "for his own safety". During these 8 weeks, Aelia gained understanding of her mutation and how to avoid it from hurting others, although in the process she received several severe burns and even had her hair and leg bleached out. With every up there is a down, isn't there?

Several years after this, she and her husband had their fourth child- A third son. They were both 30 at the time. Nothing really else of note!

Once Aelia and her husband where 31, they began to drift apart, and by the time they were 33 they decided to split, simply both agreeing that they'd "try again" if they felt it'd work out. While, legally, the house was her ex-husband's, Aelia's complete lack of anywhere else to go was pitiable enough that her ex-husband offered her a deal. She gets the upstairs of the house, he gets the downstairs and the basement, and the living room and kitchen are neutral ground, so that she could make something to eat if she wished, as well as so she could leave the house. However, to stay here, she had to continue homeschooling the children- To which she agreed, stating she "would've done this regardless of if she was here or not".

Ever since then, they've had a somewhat 'functional' home dynamic, and still often chat and have dinner as if they were still family. She even gave him her prized locket as a separation gift, which he messed with and now keeps as a chain on his belt- He thinks it looks cool, and she's glad he didn't throw it away.

Her filling is ink!

The drips of ink from her mutated containers drip upwards!

Sometimes these drips will create little shapes, such as stars, hearts, or even bows! There's usually only one shape made at a time, but feel free to have fun with said shape!
likes & dislikes

The sound of rain

Days with no ambience



Music to fill in silence

When it's too quiet



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oldest son

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.